
Evonsys (PVT) LTD
Last activity: 20 Jul 2023 4:57 EDT
Save PDF file into PEGA DB
Hi team,
I have PDF file which user attached file , I want to save that pdf file in to Pega Database (Table Name - PatienReport) After user click submit button.
How can I config thease senario.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 19 Jul 2023 11:02 EDT

Bits in Glass
@Eranda10274 pdf file will be already stored in pega dB-> data-workattach-file.
In your Patient Report DB, you just need to store the case id against the patient name.
For eg:-
Patient name ->Philip
Case id -> C- 45
So if user wants to search for pdf attached to Philip,
You first need to get case id of that patient from PatientReport DB, then using that case id you can get attachments linked to that case id using ootb data page.
Ootb dpage-> D_AttachmentList
Inapakurthi Hemanth Kumar

Evonsys (PVT) LTD
That Datapage ask 2 paramiter
2.IncludeDocAttachments, can you tell me what is this two paramiters ?

Bits in Glass
@Eranda10274 linkfrom is pzinskey of case id. Other parameter is not required. Please run the dpage standalone, you will be able to see the attachments attached to the case.
Eranda Weerasingha

Evonsys (PVT) LTD
Thank you @Anoop Krishna
Anoop Krishna

Evonsys (PVT) LTD
Hi @Anoop Krishna,
One thing I want to know, To save pdf file into Pega DB, should I execute the activity or any other action ?, In my application when I'm choose file form my computer and submit that file not save Into pega DB (data-workattach-file)

Bits in Glass
@Eranda10274 please check if you are using AttachContent control. If you are using filepath control or any widget it works different way.

Evonsys (PVT) LTD
@Anoop Krishna I'm using AttachmentControl for that

Bits in Glass
@Eranda10274 can you once check clipboard for pyattachments pagelist property? Also application rule
Application-> integration and security-> content storage
Eranda Weerasingha

Evonsys (PVT) LTD
@Eranda10274 my mistake, I'm using filepath controller
Anoop Krishna

@Eranda10274 1 entry in Data-work-attach file table, 1 entry in Link-attachment table to link the attachment file to the case.
Eranda Weerasingha