Creating a blank data page
I am trying to create a case where the user will enter data into a set of fields that will be saved to the database. These records that are created will be source records for future cases. Each section of the case screen is sourced from the pages that are linked to the main data class. (IE Site links to Address, Address links to State, etc) When I run the case, some of the sections do not appear, which I suspect is valid because there is no data behind them for them to edit. The clipboard shows that there is a data page in memory that matches this data class, complete with the data pages it points to, but since none of them have pxResults, there are no properties visible for the fields on the screen to relate to. I am presuming I need to create a blank instance of the data page, but I am unsure how to go about this. I looked at a Data Transform, but it does not appear to have the ability to create a new page, only set properties sourced from an existing populated page. The Activity does have the ability to create a page, but when I attempted to run one that would in essence fill the data page properties with blank values, it ran, but it did not create anything. I could use some guidance on what would be the best way to accomplish this.