
Mphasis Unleash the Next
Last activity: 27 Feb 2018 8:37 EST
Not identified objects having in popup page after performclick method
Not identified the objects having in popup window after performs the performclick method by the robot and process is terminates , but objects are identified having in popup window when we click(ellipse button in screen shot) that same button manually instead of using PerformClick method and continues the process after performclick method block.
Anyone can suggestion to resolve above issue?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Set hookchildprocess on the adapter to true.

Mphasis Unleash the Next
Thanks grona for your reply.
I tried as you suggested but not working. Any other suggestion please?

Pegasystems Inc.
We need a little more information to help you on this. Does the adapter stop when you do the PerformClick or the automation? Are you getting an exception in the logs? If this is a popup, you should probably use a WaitForEvent block to do the PerformClick asynchronously as you may be blocking the UI thread.
Please add a screenshot of your automation ...

Mphasis Unleash the Next
Hi Jeff,
In my page have one ellipse button(...) when I click on that ellipse, one popup window will open. In that popup window which is having controls to search one value by giving value to textbox. Table shows filtered parameters based on search value. After that I have to click on link button which is having in first column of filtered values(popup window have table along with textbox and button). when we click on that link button(having in table) popup window will have been close and that clicked value will be placed in textbox which is having at beside of ellipse button(...). That is my requirement.
When I use performclick() for ellipse button the robot has opened that popup window but not moved ahead. But I closed that popup window manually and clicks on that ellipse butoon(manually clicks) immediately the robot starts after performclick() method block(after that everything ok, means robot continues to search text to filter in table and clicks on filtered link button in table(having in popup window) ) .
Note:I tried with javascript code having in webpage, javascript code for keypdown functionality, performclick() method, WaitForEvent for ellipse button.
Please share your suggestions to resolve this problem ASAP.

Mphasis Unleash the Next
HI Jeff,
do you expect anymore information on this issue? If yes, please let me know and help me out regarding the same.

Pegasystems Inc.
As Jeff mentioned, you likely need to call the method that opens the popup within a parallel process. Add a thread that handles the popup and ultimately closes it. On the top thread of the parallel process, call the method that opens it. After you close the popup, use the bottom execution point from the parallel process to continue with the remaining steps in your automation. The problem is not with how you are opening the popup, it is with the popup blocking that execution thread.

Mphasis Unleash the Next
Hi Sasnt,
Thank you very much for your reply,
I have done as you suggested above, but not working out. The process has stopped at onkz_ellipse waitforcreate() method(Parallel Process component not executing).

Pegasystems Inc.
That is incorrect. You need to add a new thread to the Parallel Process as you currently have only one. On the new thread, handle (and ultimately close) the popup. On the bottom thread (the one you currently have connected to fileonbForm1.WaitForCreate), connect anything you are doing after the popup has been closed.