How to define a Circumstance with Less than and equal to Value
Hi ,
Question 1 :
I have got a Property by Name say "TotalMarks" , based on this TotalMarks Property i am defining Circumstance Variant rules on a Section .
I want to have Condition like TotalMarks <= 35 (But i am not able to add Less than condition ) , please let me know Is this possible ?
Question 2 :
I am unable to understand difference between PegaRULES and PegaDATA database
I was able to get this information , but still confused
PegaRULES maps to a database where all the rules, data instances, work objects, history, and other concrete objects from internal classes of your Pega system.
PegaDATA maps to a database where all custom data instances are saved.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***