
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 17 Apr 2018 1:51 EDT
Exact difference b/w ruleset and class
A class is a container for rules and it represents the applicability of a rule, which we often refer to as the scope of the rule.
A RuleSet is a deployment unit for a “set” or group of rules. It has versions.
If class is a container for rules, then how does it differ from rulseset. As ruleset also hold the rules.
A class is a container for rules --> This statement is causing confusion.
can anyone clearly explain, what is the exact difference between ruleset and class.
Correct me, If I am wrong.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***
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Pegasystems Inc.
When the application is generated by the Application in Pega
- Classes are created in the system, with names based on the input values.
- RuleSets are created. The class rules are stored in those RuleSets.
Hope this clarifies your doubt.
Thank You.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Shekar for the reply...
Even I am clear with the below points:
a. How class inheritance works.
b. role of class and ruleset version in determining the rule(which to be executed) -- rule resolution.
c. ruleset -- how its used in exporting a set of rules or exporting an application.
My question is, can we call both class and ruleset -- a container for rules.

Pegasystems Inc.
The class identifies the scope of the rule. You specify the class of a rule in the Apply to field. The class you select determines how extensively you can use the rule — within one case type, or across case types.
A class organizes rules within an application. The position of a class within the class hierarchy determines the reusability of the rules in that class.
The class identifies the scope of the rule. You specify the class of a rule in the Apply to field. The class you select determines how extensively you can use the rule — within one case type, or across case types.
A class organizes rules within an application. The position of a class within the class hierarchy determines the reusability of the rules in that class.
The ruleset is the container for the rule. The ruleset identifies, stores, and manages the set of rules that define an application or a major portion of an application.
Thank You

Pegasystems Inc.
A class is a container for rules and it represents the applicability of a rule, which we often refer to as the scope of the rule. A class defines capabilities, rules such as Properties, Flows, and Sections, that are available to the class and its subordinate classes.
Could you please clarify, as per the above statement present in the mentioned module of SAE 2, Can we call a Class -- A container for rules.
As you stated, Ruleset is a container for rules in your answer, Can we call both Class and Ruleset -- container for rules.
It seems to be silly for me too. But, Please Clarify.

Pegasystems Inc.
@Karthik, as per my understanding class is not a container of rules only the ruleset is the container of the rules. I would suggest you to raise this conflict with the documentation team for further clarification about this explanation.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Mahesh!!
Could you please guide me, how can I raise a conflict or notify the documentation team. What are the steps involved ?

Pegasystems Inc.
@Karthik, for further clarification about the content specified in SAE 2 you can raise a query in Pega Academy by referring to this discussion.

As per my understanding, a class may contain rules from different ruleset but a ruleset contains rules from the same ruleset. It doesn't hold the rules from other rulesets but a class can contain all the rules which are defined in that scope irrespective of different ruleset. From this perspective, a class can be called as a container of rules.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Adding to my colleague information, the standard definitions which pega has provided as follows:
A class groups a collection of rules or other objects. Each class defines capabilities (rules that include properties, activities, and HTML forms) that are available to other, subordinate classes, or to instances of the class. Classes are organized into a hierarchy, where the system searches the class hierarchy from the current class upwards when looking for a rule to apply.
A ruleset identifies, stores, and manages the set of rules that define an application or a major portion of an application. A ruleset contains rule instances, which are divided into ruleset versions to support version management. A ruleset is identified in the system by the ruleset name.
As per the above definitions, i feel that ruleset is used to support the versioning of the set of the rules of an application.

First of all forget for a minute what you have learned about class and Ruleset.
we have different kind of data and we are classifying them by using data types like integer, text, data etc. These data types are pega inbuilt. They all are single data type definitions. What about if user want to define his own data type?
So simply for understanding purpose we can say that a class is a user defined data type. In pega data is divided in to so many types in short Work Type, Rule Type, Data Type and and related instances are called as "is a rule", "is a WO", "is a data instance".
because of pega flexible implementations we can perform more operations on each instance by creating rules under the related class or parent classes.
primary use of class is reusability, scalability.
Creates for identify, store, and manage the set of rules and uses for development, deployment and reusability.
Pega terms are "A ruleset is a container or an organizational construct used to identify, store, and manage a set of rules. The primary function of a ruleset is to group rules together for distribution. "
First of all forget for a minute what you have learned about class and Ruleset.
we have different kind of data and we are classifying them by using data types like integer, text, data etc. These data types are pega inbuilt. They all are single data type definitions. What about if user want to define his own data type?
So simply for understanding purpose we can say that a class is a user defined data type. In pega data is divided in to so many types in short Work Type, Rule Type, Data Type and and related instances are called as "is a rule", "is a WO", "is a data instance".
because of pega flexible implementations we can perform more operations on each instance by creating rules under the related class or parent classes.
primary use of class is reusability, scalability.
Creates for identify, store, and manage the set of rules and uses for development, deployment and reusability.
Pega terms are "A ruleset is a container or an organizational construct used to identify, store, and manage a set of rules. The primary function of a ruleset is to group rules together for distribution. "
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