How to show data under tool generated Activicty pxResults property under User Interface
For Extracting Data From External table .
I have used Designer Studio ===> Integration ===>Connectors ==> Connector Definations ==> Simulation Option
selected my DataBase Schema and Table name (Department ) , Pega Tool has generated BrowseDepartment Activicty .
I could able to run the Activicty , and it works fine (Tested with Show-Page Option)
The Data shown is
<pxResults REPEATINGTYPE="PageList">
<rowdata REPEATINGINDEX="1">
<rowdata REPEATINGINDEX="2">
<rowdata REPEATINGINDEX="3">
<deptname>US - Staff</deptname>
My question is
I need to show all the fetched deptname under a drop down in the user interface .
I have done so far
1. Created a section with drop down field . ( Should i create a new data page and call this activicty )??
(If so what should be the class name under datapage )