Click on "FlyoutAnchor" type MSCUI Control
I am facing issue with clicking on a hyperlink of mscui control type "FlyoutAchor" in a web application. We are unable to generate the drop down menu from the link which manually can be generated by just clicking on it. I have tried PerformClick and RaiseEvent method for click but it doesn't help. Also, the html code doesn't have any event trigger associated with the control. I have provided the html code for control below:
<a tabindex="0" title="More" class="cui-ctl cui-fa-sm " id="m_excelWebRenderer_ewaCtl_ExcelViewerHeroDockOverflowMenuLauncher-Small20" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true" unselectable="on" mscui:controltype="FlyoutAnchor"><span class="cui-ctl-iconContainer20" unselectable="on"><span class=" cui-img-cont-float cui-img-20by20" unselectable="on"><img class="ewaboot_ellipsis20" role="presentation" alt="" src="" unselectable="on"></span></span></a>
Any suggestions on how to implement the click event on the control?
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