Unable to timeout page. No data has been lost at this time. As a best practice, ensure all properties are Serializable to protect data loss.
We have a production system on live environment and once in a while we get this following error in PegaRULES log file:
2017-04-06 08:11:16,667 [fault (self-tuning)'] [ ] [ ] [ ] (mgmt.base.NodeRequestorMgt) ERROR - Unable to timeout page. No data has been lost at this time. As a best practice, ensure all properties are Serializable to protect against data loss.
After just 15minutes later, we get the following error:
2017-04-06 08:27:16,939 [fault (self-tuning)'] [ ] [ ] [ ] (mgmt.base.NodeRequestorMgt) ERROR - One or more properties could not be serialized suring passivation and have therefore been lost. They will not be available on activation. Please ensure that all property data is Serializable
I understand passivation / activation mechanism and these error must be a set as page timeout period is set to 15 minutes by default, but I do not understand WHY this is failing sometimes. Is there anything that we can do to avoid this error or hotfix provided? How can we stop this from happening?
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