Dynamic Stage Name
Is there a way to configure stage names dynamically? I have a flow that is same for two scenarios but only difference is stage names.
Version : PEGA 7.2
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Is there a way to configure stage names dynamically? I have a flow that is same for two scenarios but only difference is stage names.
Version : PEGA 7.2
Thank You
I guess you will have to change the value of pxCurrentStageLabel on the fly with a DataTransform.
Didn't work.
I don't know an easy way to do this. My guess is that you'll have to trace the specific places that make reference to that field. Are they looking at a specific property? Are they opening the object definition from the database? Are the rules in question final? You might get lucky and there is a single, easy to access place. like pxCurrentStageLabel, but you may also find that there isn't a good hook and you'll need to create separate stages. Perhaps have the flow for Stage B call the flow for Stage A as a subflow?
You can go with any of the option below.
1. Add a new stage along with current stage and add when conditions in the Validation Tab of stages to skip based on the result of when condition.
2. Else go with specialized case.
I tried pxcurrentstagelabel and pxcurrentstage it didn't work. I think PEGA stages are fixed, hope they had a way to make it dynamic.
As suggested by kiran that is the decent option to live with now.
Thank you ALL
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