Error while building and debugging multiple-project solutions in OPEN SPAN - Following the Pega Academy tutorial
Pega Robotics Output Publisher diagnostic log
Computer: HCA-2HVR542
Created date: 2/21/2017 4:00:31 PM
MsgType | Timestamp | Thread | State | Category | DesignComponent | Component | Message (Plus Verbose message, if included)
Info | 04:00:58.546 PM | 1 | STA | User Data | | | Application path is not writable: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSpan\OpenSpan Studio for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
Info | 04:00:58.548 PM | 1 | STA | User Data | | | PublicAssemblies path: C:\Users\212478508\AppData\Roaming\OpenSpan\PublicAssemblies
Info | 04:01:01.452 PM | 1 | STA | Component Inspector | | | Deserialized 'C:\Users\212478508\Documents\Pega Robotics Studio\Projects\TrainingCertification\Main-UI\Customer Information.os' in 0.04 seconds
Info | 04:01:01.488 PM | 1 | STA | Component Inspector | | | Deserialized 'C:\Users\212478508\Documents\Pega Robotics Studio\Projects\TrainingCertification\Main-UI\Events\Interactions\Main_E_IntMgr_InteractionClosed.os' in 0.01 seconds
Info | 04:01:01.559 PM | 1 | STA | Component Inspector | | | Deserialized 'C:\Users\212478508\Documents\Pega Robotics Studio\Projects\TrainingCertification\Main-UI\Events\Interactions\Main_E_IntMgr_InteractionStarted.os' in 0.03 seconds
Info | 04:01:01.690 PM | 1 | STA | Component Inspector | | | Deserialized 'C:\Users\212478508\Documents\Pega Robotics Studio\Projects\TrainingCertification\Main-UI\_Main_GC.os' in 0.01 seconds
Info | 04:01:02.258 PM | 1 | STA | Project | | | Project 'Main-UI' opened
Info | 04:01:03.480 PM | 1 | STA | Component Inspector | | | Deserialized 'C:\Users\212478508\Documents\Pega Robotics Studio\Projects\TrainingCertification\CRMAdapter\CRM.os' in 0.07 seconds
Info | 04:01:03.723 PM | 1 | STA | Component Inspector | | | Deserialized 'C:\Users\212478508\Documents\Pega Robotics Studio\Projects\TrainingCertification\CRMAdapter\Events\Controls\CRM_E_CRMChild_Closing.os' in 0.00 seconds
Info | 04:01:03.903 PM | 1 | STA | Component Inspector | | | Deserialized 'C:\Users\212478508\Documents\Pega Robotics Studio\Projects\TrainingCertification\CRMAdapter\Events\Controls\CRM_E_CRMChild_Created.os' in 0.00 seconds
Info | 04:01:04.020 PM | 1 | STA | Component Inspector | | | Deserialized 'C:\Users\212478508\Documents\Pega Robotics Studio\Projects\TrainingCertification\CRMAdapter\Events\Controls\CRM_E_CRMfrmLogin_Created.os' in 0.00 seconds
Info | 04:01:04.140 PM | 1 | STA | Component Inspector | | | Deserialized 'C:\Users\212478508\Documents\Pega Robotics Studio\Projects\TrainingCertification\CRMAdapter\_CRM_GC.os' in 0.00 seconds
Info | 04:01:04.156 PM | 1 | STA | Project | | | Project 'CRMAdapter' opened
Info | 04:01:04.903 PM | 1 | STA | Component Inspector | | | Deserialized 'C:\Users\212478508\Documents\Pega Robotics Studio\Projects\TrainingCertification\TrainingWebAdapter\ACMESearchSystem.os' in 0.21 seconds
Info | 04:01:04.923 PM | 1 | STA | Project | | | Project 'TrainingWebAdapter' opened
Info | 04:01:05.399 PM | 1 | STA | Office | | | Attempting to copy office files from C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSpan\OpenSpan Studio for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015\Office2010
Info | 04:01:06.405 PM | 1 | STA | Office | | | Result from office assembly copy from C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSpan\OpenSpan Studio for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015\Office2010: SameOfficeVersion
Info | 04:01:25.803 PM | 1 | STA | Shell | | | State changing from Default to Designing
Info | 04:01:25.957 PM | 1 | STA | Project | | | Project 'Main-UI' error check started
Info | 04:01:25.990 PM | 1 | STA | Project | | | Project 'Main-UI' error check finished
Info | 04:01:25.993 PM | 1 | STA | Project | | | Project 'CRMAdapter' error check started
Info | 04:01:25.999 PM | 1 | STA | Project | | | Project 'CRMAdapter' error check finished
Info | 04:01:26.001 PM | 1 | STA | Project | | | Project 'TrainingWebAdapter' error check started
Info | 04:01:26.007 PM | 1 | STA | Project | | | Project 'TrainingWebAdapter' error check finished
Info | 04:01:26.693 PM | 1 | STA | Designer | | | Loaded designer extension.
Info | 04:01:27.128 PM | 1 | STA | Designer | | | Deserialized 'C:\Users\212478508\Documents\Pega Robotics Studio\Projects\TrainingCertification\Main-UI\Events\Interactions\Main_E_IntMgr_InteractionClosed.os' in 0.46 seconds
Info | 04:01:28.218 PM | 1 | STA | Shell | Main_E_IntMgr_InteractionClosed | | Designer created and initialized for 'C:\Users\212478508\Documents\Pega Robotics Studio\Projects\TrainingCertification\Main-UI\Events\Interactions\Main_E_IntMgr_InteractionClosed.os'
Info | 04:01:31.594 PM | 1 | STA | Project | | | Debugger ready launch status changed to True for 'Main-UI' project
Info | 04:01:32.205 PM | 18 | MTA | Manifest | | | Configuration section BuildReferences is redirected to BuildReferences_8_0.
Info | 04:01:32.397 PM | 28 | MTA | Manifest | | | Configuration section BuildReferences is redirected to BuildReferences_8_0.
Info | 04:01:33.603 PM | 20 | MTA | Manifest | | | Configuration section BuildReferences is redirected to BuildReferences_8_0.
Info | 04:01:34.359 PM | 1 | STA | Debugger | | | DebugEngine - Engine.LaunchSuspended()
Info | 04:01:56.365 PM | 1 | STA | Shell | | | Entered run mode: dbgEventReasonLaunchProgram
Info | 04:01:56.365 PM | 1 | STA | Shell | | | State changing from Designing to Running
Error | 04:01:56.568 PM | 1 | STA | Exception | | | Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified.
, Verbose Message: General Information
Diagnostic Info:
Diagnostic.MachineName: HCA-2HVR542
Diagnostic.FullName: OpenSpan, Version= Proprietary information hidden, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f5db91edc02d8c5e
Diagnostic.AppDomainName: DefaultDomain
Diagnostic.WindowsIdentity: LOGON\212478508
Diagnostic.ApplicationName: OpenSpan.Studio.Shell
Exception Information
1) Exception Information
Exception Type: System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException
Message: "Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified.
Data: IDictionary (System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal) with 0 items
TargetSite: Void HandleReturnMessage(System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage, System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage)
HelpLink: NULL
Source: "mscorlib"
HResult: -2146233077
StackTrace Information
Server stack trace:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc.IpcPort.Connect(String portName, Boolean secure, TokenImpersonationLevel impersonationLevel, Int32 timeout)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc.ConnectionCache.GetConnection(String portName, Boolean secure, TokenImpersonationLevel level, Int32 timeout)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc.IpcClientTransportSink.ProcessMessage(IMessage msg, ITransportHeaders requestHeaders, Stream requestStream, ITransportHeaders& responseHeaders, Stream& responseStream)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BinaryClientFormatterSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
at OpenSpan.Automation.Debugging.DebugClientManager.GetDebugClients()
at OpenSpan.DebugEngine.DebugHelper.AttachToProcess(Debugger debugger, Int32 processId, Boolean validateDebugClient, DebugClient& attachedClient)
Info | 04:02:08.047 PM | 1 | STA | Shell | | | Entered design mode: dbgEventReasonEndProgram
Info | 04:02:08.047 PM | 1 | STA | Shell | | | State changing from Running to Designing
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