
Last activity: 2 Feb 2017 2:02 EST
how to implement common "local flow" at each assignment shape
It is easy to add a common local flow action to each assignment, which allows users to perform certain common operation.
However, not all common operation can be performed via one step/one screen; sometimes, multiple steps are required, which means a small flow with a few steps is needed. After this "local flow" is executed, WO goes back to the originating assignment.
How to achieve this? Is it supported out of box?
We are using PRPC 7.1.8
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Pegasystems Inc.
It is available OOTB. You can define the common flow at Case level which will be available during all assignments. This can be configured in Case designer in settings tab (Supporting processes).
Let us know if this helps or you need any more information :)

Pegasystems Inc.
To add to what Pankaj said, you can use the Case Designer to configure supporting processes either at the Case or Stage level.

Thank you Ken, but we do not use "Case Designer". What and how to implement so that we can achieve the same?

Thank you Pankaj, but we do not use "Case Designer". What and how to implement so that we can achieve the same?

Pegasystems Inc.
Case Designer is a tool that visually models stages, steps, and processes for all case types in your application. Use it to design staged-based case types, build user forms, and seamlessly integrate with other elements in your application.
To access Case Designer, open the Case Type Explorer.
Refer :
Best Regards,

Pegasystems Inc.
Just to clarify, when you say you do not use "Case Designer", does that mean you are not using Case types/ Case management ?
Are you using the traditional work processing using flows ?

Correct. We are not using Case types/ Case management.
We build flows manually, like in the good old days.
I am willing to learn and adapt "Case types/ Case management" to existing flows though, if that is feasible.

Pegasystems Inc.
I think this would be a good start

Pegasystems Inc.
Actually I would strongly recommend using Case management to manage your business cases/work flows. It is very much feasible. Do you see any concerns in particular ?

Pegasystems Inc.
I think as per my understanding you wanted to call a flow instead of a single flow action (local action) common to all assignments. One thing you can try is to the navigation rule used on Actions button, add Launch -> Flow in Modal dialog.
This will run the required flow in a modal dialog.
Best Regards,

Thank you. But we want to run the flow in current perform harness, not in a modal dialog.
Also, I am curious on how this "Flow in Modal dialog" feature works.
1) when the flow is called, is the assignment on the originating assignment shape deleted? (we hope the original assignment is deleted, and then recreated after current flow ends and goes back to the assignment shape)
2) if user logs off during the middle of the flow, and then re-login, will the flow still be presented in a modal dialog? I doubt it.

Pegasystems Inc.
A modal dialog combines a pop-up window with a flow action as the front most screen where the user is working. The dialog box is centered in the viewing area. The flow action provides the section or sections containing the form fields the user is to complete. When the user submits the form, the system updates the work item and the modal dialog closes. The user can then continue working with the main screen display.
When you open a flow in modal dialog, it just comes as a pop up above the main screen(from where the call was done), it does not delete the assignment, but let you work on the assignment again once you close the modal dialog.
Best Regards,

How many steps can we have in this flow? Based on your description, only one step is allowed?

Pegasystems Inc.
For the flow used in the modal dialog, you can add multiple assignment shapes just like a regular flow.