SMS Management & Technology
Last activity: 9 Jan 2017 18:32 EST
Transform data using BIX
Is it possible to transform data in BIX ectract rules?
For example, we have FirstName (Alpha) and LastName (Beta) properties in Pega DB. In the BIX extract to a database we want to concatenate values of FirstName and LastName separated by a space and insert value into a column called Full_Name (Alpha Beta) of taget database table.
I have gone thorugh the BIX documention and also help file for BIX extract rule but I did not find any such configurations being available in BIX. My understanding of BIX is that it is juat an "extract and load" tool. It is not "extract, transform and load" tool. Is this correct?
Pega version: 7.2.1
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