Coforge DPA private Ltd
Coforge DPA private Ltd
Coforge DPA private Ltd
Posted: Dec 22, 2016
Last activity: Jan 19, 2017
Last activity: 19 Jan 2017 11:02 EST
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In report definition, i dont want column heading to be localized. How to restrict this? Please find the attachment.
Please help.
It is showing localized value because there must be a localized copy of the label present in the application.
One way to avoid it is to remove the pyCaption ( localization ) or specialize it for specific condition.
we have rulesets which contains language codes in it
In some screens the tab name should be in English and in some screens it should be transalte.
If we remove localized lable in langauge specific ruleset it will display in English which should not be.
>>In some screens the tab name should be in English and in some screens it should be transalte
In that case, put those screen in a specific ruleset along with the field values so that at runtime it picks up the non localized field values.
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