Last activity: 22 Dec 2016 7:45 EST
issue with breadcrumb in screensflow
we have a requirement to skip one assignment in a screen flow based on some condition but the assignment should be present in breadcrumb and user will be able to go back to the assignment clicking breadcrumb or Back button. Some read-only information will be displayed in the assignment.
To acheve this we have called FinishAssignment in pre processing activity of this assignment which has to be skipped. we are able to skip the assignment and move to the next one, it is visible in breadcrumb too. But the issue occurs while cliking on the breadcrumb link or Back button to go back to this skipped assignment. it throws error "This action is not allowed as it is outside the current transaction."
pls help to resolve the issue.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Categories***