Serendebyte Inc
Last activity: 23 Aug 2018 19:03 EDT
Unable to Open the Web Application
Hi Team,
I have created New Web Application in the project. when I double click on the web application , I am getting errror "Errror Creating ...... Component of OpenSpan.Adapters.Web.WebAdapter type" This is not working in Windows 10, and its working in Windows 7 . Please help
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Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
OpenSpan 7.0 and 7.1 does not support Windows 8.1. If you move up to Pega Robotics 8.0 you will be able to work in Windows 8.1 (not Windows 8.0).
Pegasystems Inc.
We currently do not support Windows 10.
Serendebyte Inc
Hi Jeff, I am getting the same error in Windows 8 as well.
Hi Jeff,
I am getting the same error as mentioned on this post. I am using Pega Robotic Studio 8.0 with Windows 10. I checked the release notes. According to that Windows 10 is supported.
Please suggest how I could rectify this error?
Pegasystems Inc.
Which version of Pega Robotics are you using? Windows 8.1 is supported in version 8.0.
Serendebyte Inc
Hi Jeff, Currently I am using OpenSpan 7 version
Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
OpenSpan 7.0 and 7.1 does not support Windows 8.1. If you move up to Pega Robotics 8.0 you will be able to work in Windows 8.1 (not Windows 8.0).
Serendebyte Inc