Multiple Column Header in Grid
How to create a multiple header column in grid?
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How to create a multiple header column in grid?
Hello Agus,
Thanks for posting your query in PSC. :)
Have you used the merge option(say Merge Right on columns with FirstName and LastName) from the Design tab of the desired section?
Hello Rincyrappai,
Thanks for answering my question :D
I have tried using merge option, and merge FirstName and LastName, but I can't add a row after that,
what should I do to add a row after merging the column?
Hello Agus,
Thanks for the update.
I see that in OOTB, you can merge two columns(First Name + Last Name) of the repeat grid and name the merged header content as 'Name'. However, I do not see we can add a row after this.
Hope this answers.
Hi AgusS672,
Did you find a way to implement this?
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