Last activity: 4 Oct 2016 11:31 EDT
Comparing values inside 2 pagelists via an activity
Hello Guys,
Is there any OOB function that compares values inside 2 pagelists via an activity ?
Thanks in advance,
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Accepted Solution
Incessant Technologies
As per my knowledge i dont think there is a OOTB Function,but there is a activity pxCompareTwoPageLists. It returns two comma delimited strings of differences.If that doesnt satisfy your requirement then you can loop inside a pagelist and put the value which you want to search into a parameter.You can use this parameter in IsInPageList funtion and search it in other pagelist.
Thank You.
You can use IsInPageLIst OOB function to compare pagelist values.
IsInPageList(lookFor, lookAt, lookIn) Returns true if the string lookFor is found as an exact match to the value of the property lookAt in one of the pages of the property lookIn.
Hope this helps!
Thanks Gangababu. I will have a look:)
thanks a lot,
Accepted Solution
Incessant Technologies
As per my knowledge i dont think there is a OOTB Function,but there is a activity pxCompareTwoPageLists. It returns two comma delimited strings of differences.If that doesnt satisfy your requirement then you can loop inside a pagelist and put the value which you want to search into a parameter.You can use this parameter in IsInPageList funtion and search it in other pagelist.
Thank You.
Thanks a lot Srijith!
I will try the use of this activity and get back to you:) But, do you recommend saving it in my ruleset or we can use it as it is even if we can do an upgrade.
thanks a lot,
Incessant Technologies
If u need to customise it ,then u can save it in your ruleset,otherwise u can use it as it is.
Thx a lot Srijith!
I tried to call this activitiy , but, I obtained the attached error although MatrixModuleList is a pagelist. Did I miss something.?
thanks in advance,
Incessant Technologies
Can you try giving the pagelistname and property names as strings to the activity parameters.
thanks a lot Srijith ! It works like a charm!:)