How to customize onclick behavior in reports?
In ListViews, this is accomplished by the Single Click event (or double-click, if that's your need) -- you need to provide a JS function.
Most times designers will want the users to open the item. These parameters are generally needed:
- where (in tab? in new window? if new window, what properties of new window?)
- which harness
In the v6.2+ Report-Definitions, I'm not sure where this went. There's no place to specify the onclick action.
And yet, it appears that Pega has a default action - opening it using the Review harness in the dashboard tabs. Unsure where that's set.
I'm aware you can also add Event Actions in the controls for each field -- though note that in v7, you need to actually click on the gear icon for a column to see if this is in effect.
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***Updated by moderator: Marissa to close post***
In ListViews, this is accomplished by the Single Click event (or double-click, if that's your need) -- you need to provide a JS function.
Most times designers will want the users to open the item. These parameters are generally needed:
- where (in tab? in new window? if new window, what properties of new window?)
- which harness
In the v6.2+ Report-Definitions, I'm not sure where this went. There's no place to specify the onclick action.
And yet, it appears that Pega has a default action - opening it using the Review harness in the dashboard tabs. Unsure where that's set.
I'm aware you can also add Event Actions in the controls for each field -- though note that in v7, you need to actually click on the gear icon for a column to see if this is in effect.
[spunoff from Case browser for users ]
***Updated by moderator: Marissa to close post***
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