Scotia Bank
Last activity: 17 Jul 2017 16:37 EDT
Application facing issues with E-mail Listeners and throws below errors frequently
1. Failed to release Inbox
2. Thread has been destroyed
Can anyone please help in resolving this issue?
Did anyone come across this issue ever yet?
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Accepted Solution
Scotia Bank
Sure, will verify and update.
Thanks for the help.
Please provide exception stack and version of PRPC.
Scotia Bank
Version details are as follows:
PRPC 6.3 SP 1
2. Stack for error: are attached.
Thanks for looking into this.
See SA-7567 on My Support portal - " Thread has been recycled is observed in the log files.
Scotia Bank
Ok got it.
Will this hot-fix address "Failed To Release INBOX" issue as well?
The two issues might be related. Try the solution recommended in the SA and if second problem does not go away, post the update here.
Accepted Solution
Scotia Bank
Sure, will verify and update.
Thanks for the help.
Scotia Bank
Additional to the recommended hot fixes and were required to be installed due to the following reasons:
i) Some of the Hot fixes those are bundled of the recommended hot fix, didn't get installed. So PEGA suggested to install "".
ii) OOTB pxCreateDateTime property got corrupted mostly due to hot-fix "HFIX-7571 (Casting a DB2 zOS DATE coltype and writing values to DATE cols)" which was part of the first recommended hot fix. So PEGA suggested to install "".
Now the original issue is resolved.
Thanks for help.
Pegasystems Inc.
Now that Support Articles can be linked to on the PDN, here the link to the Stale Thread Error article mentioned in this thread.