
Last activity: 22 Aug 2016 18:43 EDT
Hi Is there a way to get a report that shows all operators and access group assigned to that individual
Hi Is there a way to get a report that shows all operators and access group assigned to that there are many
I need to see all operators and there levels of access.
I have checked in PEGA 7 designer studio/org & Sec/ Organisation/ Operators and there is no way to export the list.
Also checked Reporting and unable to see anything there.
Thank You.
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It should be easy enough to create one. There is a list view in the Data-Admin-Operator-ID class called OperatorList ALL that contains the data you need. You can do a private checkout and enable the Export to Excel option, or use it as the basis for your own Report Definition.
Vinay Ravish

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Did you try using the list views in the Operator ID class? I bet there are quite a few which would give you the operator lists with accessgroup. But remember that this would be the primary access group which would be returned. If you are looking to see all the accessgroups assigned to the user then you need to configure one of these reports to add the additional accessgroups in the display fields option.
Hope this helps.

JP Morgan Chase
if you just need the active access group of a operator then you can query DAT-ADMIN-OPERATOR-ID class or leverage existing list views. If you are looking for more details on additional access groups and roles etc as you mentioned their level of access. Instead of querying Operator class You can try browsing index classes on operator i.e. PR_INDEX_OPERATOR_* tables where you can get additional access groups , roles and their work groups etc..

Hi Thanks for the response.
the option to go through: Data-Admin-Operator-ID i don't have the admin option and seem to has admin roles.
what role is requested to get reporting from Pega.
the other option for on list view dont seem to have the option.
is there any more suggestion that you can recommend.
Many Thanks

There is a list view called "BrowseOperators". If you are in the designer studio, just search for this listview and you can get to it. Run, export the results to excel.
I guess you have access to Designer Studio. PegaRULES:SysAdm4 role (as an example) is sufficient since Read/Write/Delete rules settings on Data-Admin-Operator-ID class are enabled upto Production environment for this role. If you have a custom role, adjust the settings to allow your access to rules of OperatorID class.
If you want to navigate to Operator ID class, Select "App" in the Explorer Panel options and expand List View rules under Reports category as shown.
Rebecca Baca
Updated: 24 Nov 2015 7:35 EST




JP Morgan Chase
you can retrieve them from Index-Operator i.e. pr_index_operators table

Hi guys,
Can we also get additional details like skills and WorkBaskets assigned in the Operator Profile? Is there a way to display them as well in the report?

Hi Latitha ,
using pr_index_operatorskills table you can get the Skills associated with the Operators.
using pr_index_operator_workgroups , you can get the WorkGroups details.