
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 6 Mar 2017 22:31 EST
How to make a signature capture field as mandatory
How to make a signature capture field as mandatory field in a form
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Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
I cant see any option to make a client side validation.However, i believe we can enforce a server side validation by using validate rule or post processing activity .

Pegasystems Inc.
Signature is like any other work attachment. To make it mandatory, your only option is 'Attachment category' validation. In your case definition, configure 'Required category' check on either stage entry or submit. You can specify same category in Signature property panel. If that signature attachment is not present during form submission, an error is thrown. This works in both online and offline cases.
This is expected to change in future because Signature control will be available in 'attachment-free' mode. This will enable features that other editable controls have like Actions, etc.

Pegasystems Inc.
how to do 'Attachment category' validation. where is this 'Required category' present.

Pegasystems Inc.
I could not find relevant docs on PDN but CSSA course has it covered. Please refer to Case lifecycle managenment lesson.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
I believe this question is now created as a new post: How to Validate signature capture control
Please continue the discussion over the new post.
Thank you,