Accenture Federal Services
Last activity: 18 Aug 2016 8:27 EDT
Repeating Dynamic Layout Edit/Delete
Has anyone figured out a way to edit or delete rows in a repeating dynamic layout? I'm looking for similar functionality that is available for a repeating grid layout.
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Updated: 13 Jan 2016 14:40 EST
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Travis,
Outside of the RDL, create a link or button control and have it configured as follows:
The AddNewRow data transform contains a single action: Append to > nameOfPageList > a new page
Inside the section used by the RDL, create another control for delete:
The DeleteRow data transform is set up with a parameter (itemIndex in example above) and contanis a single action: Remove > nameOfPageList(Param.itemIndex)
Su Zhu Duy Son
Accenture Federal Services
Are you able to get nameOfPageList from somewhere, or is that hardcoded?
Pegasystems Inc.
Accenture Federal Services
Ideally, I would not want to hardcode a top level page into my sections. In my scenario, I have Class A with a pagegroup of Class B. Inside my section in Class B, I would have to add a pages and classes entry to my page of Class A to be able to reference the correct pagegroup.
I'm looking for a strategy where I do not need to make those manual references. I'm thinking of creating an RDL delete control, which uses Java to discover the parent page. I'm not sure if it will be worth the time to put this together, though.
The RemoveFromPageList activity called from refresh harness action can be used to remove the page/row.
The manual/static references can be avoided by passing the page list property name via a parameter.
See example below.
In this example a Questions datapage property is defined as child of Questionnaire.
The icon UI Control serving as delete button is placed on a Question section within the Question Data Class
The control action is configured to call the RemoveFromPageList activty, which receives input for its
PageListProperty parameter via a parameter defined on the section.
After including the section in the repeating dynamic layout, goto the section configuration and provide the
page list name as parameter input value. In this example: "pyWorkPage.Questionnaire.Questions"
The RemoveFromPageList activity called from refresh harness action can be used to remove the page/row.
The manual/static references can be avoided by passing the page list property name via a parameter.
See example below.
In this example a Questions datapage property is defined as child of Questionnaire.
The icon UI Control serving as delete button is placed on a Question section within the Question Data Class
The control action is configured to call the RemoveFromPageList activty, which receives input for its
PageListProperty parameter via a parameter defined on the section.
After including the section in the repeating dynamic layout, goto the section configuration and provide the
page list name as parameter input value. In this example: "pyWorkPage.Questionnaire.Questions"
Now the page name is not defined on the sections of the Data class section but instead on the parent section
so that the data class section remains free of context.
Saranya Vanama