Comma separated values of a property from all page list elements
I have a page structure like this:
Work Page
-> Requests (Page List)
-> Classifications (Page List)
Classification page has properties: Code, Description
Requests page list is configured to be displayed in a grid. In each Request row, in one of the columns need to display semi-colon separated codes from Classifications page list as shown below. On hover of each classification, description needs to be shown as tool tip.
By using Repeat dynamic layout and Format Text as format for classification code (with append value as semi-colon) able to achieve above. But only problem with that is having semi-colon for the last code as well.
Could you please suggest if there is any OOTB way to display as semi-colon separated values, not having a semi-colon for the last value? Having tool tip on mouse hover for each code is must.
Using Pega 7.1.7