Email with CorrNew - Use without a Utility in a Flow possible?
I have a requirement where I need to send a formatted email to a user if a WorkObject is NOT created.
If users match a certain criteria, WOs are created for them by entering different classes and the flows of that class. If not, the Agent Activity does not enter any flow of any class and tries sending the email.
Since the Agent Activity calling this above functionality does not have a pyWorkParty that is associated with for the user as (Flow in any Class has not been entered and hence) WO is not created, I explicitly create and populate a pyWorkPage.pyWorkParty(USER) and call CorrNew to send the email. On the clipboard pyWorkPage.pyWorkParty(USER) is populated
But I get a run time error.
I get a run time error - 'Failed to find instance of CLASSNAME.CorrNew of type Rule-Obj-Activity' when I have stepPage of type CLASSNAME which is the class of the Agent.
I get a run time error - 'Failed to find instance CLASSNAME.GenerateEmailThreadID of type Rule-Obj-Activity when I explicitly use 'Call Work-.CorrNew'.
Any ideas on how to resolve this on Pega 6.1?
Do I have to create a new (Class and) Flows with a Utility in the just to send emails? Any reason why CorrNew will not accept pyWorkPage.pyWorkParty(USER) at run time?