
Last activity: 3 Sep 2015 2:44 EDT
Using OOTB Button and reference that in a custom control
We have cutomized HTMl buttons in our application which is implemented in P6.1. Currently we are in the process of migrating our app to PRPC 7.1.8. As part of this, we are converting all HTML buttons to OOTB buttons. Through out the application, we have custom HTML code for UI post and pre action behaviors. For example we have the following:
#Configured a button to launch a URL in a new window
# When user chooses either of the radio button selections, the OOTB button need to hidden or shown to the user based on the selections.
OOTB button has only "Data-Test-ID" present which can be configured. However in my custom HTMl control, I have the below code -
"document.getElementById("***ElementID***").style.display="block" - for displaying &
"document.getElementById("***ElementID***").style.display="block" - for not displaying (hiding)
This code does not work as the in OOTB button is data-test-id and not elementId.
Can anyone please let us know if there is any straight through way of accomplishing this?
Thanks in advance!