
Last activity: 17 Nov 2015 12:21 EST
uploading excel file failing with committ error
We have a functionality to upload an excel file which is failing post upgrade. When traced we found the error on tracer on activity Work-.committWithErrorHandling as ** ORA-00904: "INPUTS"."ACCOUNT#1": invalid identifier.
The sql statement generated at the backend is as below
MERGE INTO PEGADBOWNER.BAC_CashRemit_FTM_Work t USING (SELECT ? "pzInsKey" , ? "AccountNumber" , ? "LoanNumber" , ? "pxCoveredCount" , ? "pxCoveredCountOpen" , ? "pxCoveredCountUnsatisfied" , ? "pxCoverInsKey" , ? "pxCreateDateTime" , ? "pxCreateOperator" , ? "pxCreateOpName" , ? "pxCreateSystemID" , ? "pxFlowCount" , ? "pxInsName" , ? "pxObjClass" , ? "pxUpdateDateTime" , ? "pxUpdateOperator" , ? "pxUpdateOpName" , ? "pxUpdateSystemID" , ? "pxUrgencyWork" , ? "pyAckTimestamp" , ? "pyAgeFromDate" , ? "pyChargeAmount" , ? "pyChargeTo" , ? "pyContactChannel" , ? "pyContactType" , ? "pyCusLevel" , ? "pyCustomer" , ? "pyCustomerEnterprise" , ? "pyCustomerName" , ? "pyCustomerOrg" , ? "pyCustomerSatisfiedTimestamp" , ? "pyDescription" , ? "pyEffortActual" , ? "pyEffortEstimate" , ? "pyEffortEstimateTimestamp" , ? "pyElapsedCustomerAck" , ? "pyElapsedCustomerUnsatisfied" , ? "pyElapsedPastDeadline" , ? "pyElapsedPastGoal" , ? "pyElapsedStatusNew" , ? "pyElapsedStatusOpen" , ? "pyElapsedStatusPending" , ? "pyEventID" , ? "pyFolderType" , ? "pyID" , ? "pyLabel" , ? "pyOrigDivision" , ? "pyOrigOrg" , ? "pyOrigOrgUnit" , ? "pyOrigUserDivision" , ? "pyOrigUserID" , ? "pyOrigUserWorkgroup" , ? "pyOwnerDivision" , ? "pyOwnerOrg" , ? "pyOwnerOrgUnit" , ? "pyPrimaryContact" , ? "pyProblemReason" , ? "pyProblemSource" , ? "pyProblemType" , ? "pyReopenCount" , ? "pyReopenTimestamp" , ? "pyResolutionComplexity" , ? "pyResolutionCost" , ? "pyResolvedDivision" , ? "pyResolvedOrg" , ? "pyResolvedOrgUnit" , ? "pyResolvedTime" , ? "pyResolvedTimestamp" , ? "pyResolvedUserID" , ? "pyResolvedUserWorkgroup" , ? "pyRootCause" , ? "pySLADeadline" , ? "pySLAGoal" , ? "pySLAName" , ? "pyStatusCustomerSat" , ? "pyStatusWork" , ? "pyWorkListDate1" , ? "pyWorkListDateTime1" , ? "pyWorkListDateTime2" , ? "pyWorkListDecimal1" , ? "pyWorkListDecimal2" , ? "pyWorkListInteger1" , ? "pyWorkListText1" , ? "pyWorkListText2" , ? "pyWorkListText3" , ? "ACCOUNT_1" , ? "PRODUCTTYPE" , ? "PYURGENCYADJUSTMENT" , ? "REQUESTCATEGORY" , ? "REQUESTTYPE" , ? "pzPVStream" FROM dual) inputs ON (t.pzInsKey = inputs."pzInsKey") WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET ACCOUNTNUMBER = inputs."AccountNumber" , LOANNUMBER = inputs."LoanNumber" , PXCOVEREDCOUNT = inputs."pxCoveredCount" , PXCOVEREDCOUNTOPEN = inputs."pxCoveredCountOpen" , PXCOVEREDCOUNTUNSATISFIED = inputs."pxCoveredCountUnsatisfied" , PXCOVERINSKEY = inputs."pxCoverInsKey" , PXCREATEDATETIME = inputs."pxCreateDateTime" , PXCREATEOPERATOR = inputs."pxCreateOperator" , PXCREATEOPNAME = inputs."pxCreateOpName" , PXCREATESYSTEMID = inputs."pxCreateSystemID" , PXFLOWCOUNT = inputs."pxFlowCount" , PXINSNAME = inputs."pxInsName" , PXOBJCLASS = inputs."pxObjClass" , PXUPDATEDATETIME = inputs."pxUpdateDateTime" , PXUPDATEOPERATOR = inputs."pxUpdateOperator" , PXUPDATEOPNAME = inputs."pxUpdateOpName" , PXUPDATESYSTEMID = inputs."pxUpdateSystemID" , PXURGENCYWORK = inputs."pxUrgencyWork" , PYACKTIMESTAMP = inputs."pyAckTimestamp" , PYAGEFROMDATE = inputs."pyAgeFromDate" , PYCHARGEAMOUNT = inputs."pyChargeAmount" , PYCHARGETO = inputs."pyChargeTo" , PYCONTACTCHANNEL = inputs."pyContactChannel" , PYCONTACTTYPE = inputs."pyContactType" , PYCUSLEVEL = inputs."pyCusLevel" , PYCUSTOMER = inputs."pyCustomer" , PYCUSTOMERENTERPRISE = inputs."pyCustomerEnterprise" , PYCUSTOMERNAME = inputs."pyCustomerName" , PYCUSTOMERORG = inputs."pyCustomerOrg" , PYCUSTOMERSATISFIEDTIMESTAMP = inputs."pyCustomerSatisfiedTimestamp" , PYDESCRIPTION = inputs."pyDescription" , PYEFFORTACTUAL = inputs."pyEffortActual" , PYEFFORTESTIMATE = inputs."pyEffortEstimate" , PYEFFORTESTIMATETIMESTAMP = inputs."pyEffortEstimateTimestamp" , PYELAPSEDCUSTOMERACK = inputs."pyElapsedCustomerAck" , PYELAPSEDCUSTOMERUNSATISFIED = inputs."pyElapsedCustomerUnsatisfied" , PYELAPSEDPASTDEADLINE = inputs."pyElapsedPastDeadline" , PYELAPSEDPASTGOAL = inputs."pyElapsedPastGoal" , PYELAPSEDSTATUSNEW = inputs."pyElapsedStatusNew" , PYELAPSEDSTATUSOPEN = inputs."pyElapsedStatusOpen" , PYELAPSEDSTATUSPENDING = inputs."pyElapsedStatusPending" , PYEVENTID = inputs."pyEventID" , PYFOLDERTYPE = inputs."pyFolderType" , PYID = inputs."pyID" , PYLABEL = inputs."pyLabel" , PYORIGDIVISION = inputs."pyOrigDivision" , PYORIGORG = inputs."pyOrigOrg" , PYORIGORGUNIT = inputs."pyOrigOrgUnit" , PYORIGUSERDIVISION = inputs."pyOrigUserDivision" , PYORIGUSERID = inputs."pyOrigUserID" , PYORIGUSERWORKGROUP = inputs."pyOrigUserWorkgroup" , PYOWNERDIVISION = inputs."pyOwnerDivision" , PYOWNERORG = inputs."pyOwnerOrg" , PYOWNERORGUNIT = inputs."pyOwnerOrgUnit" , PYPRIMARYCONTACT = inputs."pyPrimaryContact" , PYPROBLEMREASON = inputs."pyProblemReason" , PYPROBLEMSOURCE = inputs."pyProblemSource" , PYPROBLEMTYPE = inputs."pyProblemType" , PYREOPENCOUNT = inputs."pyReopenCount" , PYREOPENTIMESTAMP = inputs."pyReopenTimestamp" , PYRESOLUTIONCOMPLEXITY = inputs."pyResolutionComplexity" , PYRESOLUTIONCOST = inputs."pyResolutionCost" , PYRESOLVEDDIVISION = inputs."pyResolvedDivision" , PYRESOLVEDORG = inputs."pyResolvedOrg" , PYRESOLVEDORGUNIT = inputs."pyResolvedOrgUnit" , PYRESOLVEDTIME = inputs."pyResolvedTime" , PYRESOLVEDTIMESTAMP = inputs."pyResolvedTimestamp" , PYRESOLVEDUSERID = inputs."pyResolvedUserID" , PYRESOLVEDUSERWORKGROUP = inputs."pyResolvedUserWorkgroup" , PYROOTCAUSE = inputs."pyRootCause" , PYSLADEADLINE = inputs."pySLADeadline" , PYSLAGOAL = inputs."pySLAGoal" , PYSLANAME = inputs."pySLAName" , PYSTATUSCUSTOMERSAT = inputs."pyStatusCustomerSat" , PYSTATUSWORK = inputs."pyStatusWork" , PYWORKLISTDATE1 = inputs."pyWorkListDate1" , PYWORKLISTDATETIME1 = inputs."pyWorkListDateTime1" , PYWORKLISTDATETIME2 = inputs."pyWorkListDateTime2" , PYWORKLISTDECIMAL1 = inputs."pyWorkListDecimal1" , PYWORKLISTDECIMAL2 = inputs."pyWorkListDecimal2" , PYWORKLISTINTEGER1 = inputs."pyWorkListInteger1" , PYWORKLISTTEXT1 = inputs."pyWorkListText1" , PYWORKLISTTEXT2 = inputs."pyWorkListText2" , PYWORKLISTTEXT3 = inputs."pyWorkListText3" , ACCOUNT#1 = inputs.ACCOUNT#1 , PRODUCTTYPE = inputs.PRODUCTTYPE , PYURGENCYADJUSTMENT = inputs.PYURGENCYADJUSTMENT , REQUESTCATEGORY = inputs.REQUESTCATEGORY , REQUESTTYPE = inputs.REQUESTTYPE , pzPVStream = inputs."pzPVStream" WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (pzInsKey , ACCOUNTNUMBER , LOANNUMBER , PXCOVEREDCOUNT , PXCOVEREDCOUNTOPEN , PXCOVEREDCOUNTUNSATISFIED , PXCOVERINSKEY , PXCREATEDATETIME , PXCREATEOPERATOR , PXCREATEOPNAME , PXCREATESYSTEMID , PXFLOWCOUNT , PXINSNAME , PXOBJCLASS , PXUPDATEDATETIME , PXUPDATEOPERATOR , PXUPDATEOPNAME , PXUPDATESYSTEMID , PXURGENCYWORK , PYACKTIMESTAMP , PYAGEFROMDATE , PYCHARGEAMOUNT , PYCHARGETO , PYCONTACTCHANNEL , PYCONTACTTYPE , PYCUSLEVEL , PYCUSTOMER , PYCUSTOMERENTERPRISE , PYCUSTOMERNAME , PYCUSTOMERORG , PYCUSTOMERSATISFIEDTIMESTAMP , PYDESCRIPTION , PYEFFORTACTUAL , PYEFFORTESTIMATE , PYEFFORTESTIMATETIMESTAMP , PYELAPSEDCUSTOMERACK , PYELAPSEDCUSTOMERUNSATISFIED , PYELAPSEDPASTDEADLINE , PYELAPSEDPASTGOAL , PYELAPSEDSTATUSNEW , PYELAPSEDSTATUSOPEN , PYELAPSEDSTATUSPENDING , PYEVENTID , PYFOLDERTYPE , PYID , PYLABEL , PYORIGDIVISION , PYORIGORG , PYORIGORGUNIT , PYORIGUSERDIVISION , PYORIGUSERID , PYORIGUSERWORKGROUP , PYOWNERDIVISION , PYOWNERORG , PYOWNERORGUNIT , PYPRIMARYCONTACT , PYPROBLEMREASON , PYPROBLEMSOURCE , PYPROBLEMTYPE , PYREOPENCOUNT , PYREOPENTIMESTAMP , PYRESOLUTIONCOMPLEXITY , PYRESOLUTIONCOST , PYRESOLVEDDIVISION , PYRESOLVEDORG , PYRESOLVEDORGUNIT , PYRESOLVEDTIME , PYRESOLVEDTIMESTAMP , PYRESOLVEDUSERID , PYRESOLVEDUSERWORKGROUP , PYROOTCAUSE , PYSLADEADLINE , PYSLAGOAL , PYSLANAME , PYSTATUSCUSTOMERSAT , PYSTATUSWORK , PYWORKLISTDATE1 , PYWORKLISTDATETIME1 , PYWORKLISTDATETIME2 , PYWORKLISTDECIMAL1 , PYWORKLISTDECIMAL2 , PYWORKLISTINTEGER1 , PYWORKLISTTEXT1 , PYWORKLISTTEXT2 , PYWORKLISTTEXT3 , ACCOUNT#1 , PRODUCTTYPE , PYURGENCYADJUSTMENT , REQUESTCATEGORY , REQUESTTYPE , pzPVStream) VALUES (inputs."pzInsKey" , inputs."AccountNumber" , inputs."LoanNumber" , inputs."pxCoveredCount" , inputs."pxCoveredCountOpen" , inputs."pxCoveredCountUnsatisfied" , inputs."pxCoverInsKey" , inputs."pxCreateDateTime" , inputs."pxCreateOperator" , inputs."pxCreateOpName" , inputs."pxCreateSystemID" , inputs."pxFlowCount" , inputs."pxInsName" , inputs."pxObjClass" , inputs."pxUpdateDateTime" , inputs."pxUpdateOperator" , inputs."pxUpdateOpName" , inputs."pxUpdateSystemID" , inputs."pxUrgencyWork" , inputs."pyAckTimestamp" , inputs."pyAgeFromDate" , inputs."pyChargeAmount" , inputs."pyChargeTo" , inputs."pyContactChannel" , inputs."pyContactType" , inputs."pyCusLevel" , inputs."pyCustomer" , inputs."pyCustomerEnterprise" , inputs."pyCustomerName" , inputs."pyCustomerOrg" , inputs."pyCustomerSatisfiedTimestamp" , inputs."pyDescription" , inputs."pyEffortActual" , inputs."pyEffortEstimate" , inputs."pyEffortEstimateTimestamp" , inputs."pyElapsedCustomerAck" , inputs."pyElapsedCustomerUnsatisfied" , inputs."pyElapsedPastDeadline" , inputs."pyElapsedPastGoal" , inputs."pyElapsedStatusNew" , inputs."pyElapsedStatusOpen" , inputs."pyElapsedStatusPending" , inputs."pyEventID" , inputs."pyFolderType" , inputs."pyID" , inputs."pyLabel" , inputs."pyOrigDivision" , inputs."pyOrigOrg" , inputs."pyOrigOrgUnit" , inputs."pyOrigUserDivision" , inputs."pyOrigUserID" , inputs."pyOrigUserWorkgroup" , inputs."pyOwnerDivision" , inputs."pyOwnerOrg" , inputs."pyOwnerOrgUnit" , inputs."pyPrimaryContact" , inputs."pyProblemReason" , inputs."pyProblemSource" , inputs."pyProblemType" , inputs."pyReopenCount" , inputs."pyReopenTimestamp" , inputs."pyResolutionComplexity" , inputs."pyResolutionCost" , inputs."pyResolvedDivision" , inputs."pyResolvedOrg" , inputs."pyResolvedOrgUnit" , inputs."pyResolvedTime" , inputs."pyResolvedTimestamp" , inputs."pyResolvedUserID" , inputs."pyResolvedUserWorkgroup" , inputs."pyRootCause" , inputs."pySLADeadline" , inputs."pySLAGoal" , inputs."pySLAName" , inputs."pyStatusCustomerSat" , inputs."pyStatusWork" , inputs."pyWorkListDate1" , inputs."pyWorkListDateTime1" , inputs."pyWorkListDateTime2" , inputs."pyWorkListDecimal1" , inputs."pyWorkListDecimal2" , inputs."pyWorkListInteger1" , inputs."pyWorkListText1" , inputs."pyWorkListText2" , inputs."pyWorkListText3" , inputs."ACCOUNT_1" , inputs."PRODUCTTYPE" , inputs."PYURGENCYADJUSTMENT" , inputs."REQUESTCATEGORY" , inputs."REQUESTTYPE" , inputs."pzPVStream") | |
PEGADBOWNER.BAC_CashRemit_FTM_Work table has the column ACCOUNT#1 . Any resolution/work around?