Post upload page excel file
After uploading an excel file does not come back to the page that contains the upload button.
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After uploading an excel file does not come back to the page that contains the upload button.
Thanks for the support
Do you mean attaching an EXCEL file to a Work Object or uploading in Designer Studio (for instance for Data Pages etc ?)
I try to explain.
I added a button on my section for uploading the excel file by calling the activity "MSOParseExcelFile" in my activity.
After uploading I view the data in my clipboard regularly, but the application does not return in the section containing the key with which I uploaded.
Thanks for the support.
There are probably better suggestsions available for this: but as a high-level approach :
Try creating a 'wrapper' Activity and then marking this as a 'Utility'; if you put this Utility Shape into your flow; you can perhaps use OOTB buttons to avoid having to make calls from your UI. (MSOParseExcelFile - I guess doesn't know how to re-direct you back to your screen).
(BTW: how are you uploading the file to PRPC in the first place - you writing it to the 'StaticContent' directory etc or something ?)
Try checking the functionality involved in attach a file functionality ! May be you can use similar kind of control.
Others option could be to use a modal dialog for the same functionality .
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