
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 22 Dec 2015 22:37 EST
Unable to complete 'Documenting an Application' exercise
I've gone through the course on the cloud and got stuck on the last exercise.
In Designer Studio --> Application --> Tools --> Document - the 'Document' menu option is missing.
I discussed this with Andrew Fontenelle and he advised that it's a known issue for the Cloud implimentation.
He advised me to download the PVS Image and provided me with a RAP to import in which all but the last exercise was completed.
I have tried to produce the document using this PVS set up, however I'm now getting the following Silverlight error message:
'SilverLight Installation Required
PRPC Silverlight prerequisites are not installed. An automatic installation attempt is now being started.
If the automatic installation fails, you must manually download and install SilverLight.cab to use this feature.
Click the link below, extract the files, and run setup.exe from it.
You will need to restart all instances of your web browser after this is completed.'
I've followed the instruction and installed silverlight (several times - including uninstalling + re-installing it) however to no avail... even though I've restarted all my browsers each time, I'm still getting the 'SilverLight Installation Required' error.
Note: I am using IE 9 32 Bit...
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Pegasystems Inc.
You can still use the online exercise environment to "Document the Application"
Login to your cloud instance of Pega 7, then select the HR Services app in the Header, then Open Overivew.
Then, on the far right of the Application Overview landing page, select Actions > Document Application > Application Document. This will start the Document Wizard.
Now, about Silverlight. I see you are using IE9, but you do not mention what version of Windows. The support matrix for SIlverlight is here: https://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/Get-Started/Install/Default.aspx
I also see that you installed Silverlight, but you do not mention if you installed the Pega-provided PRPC Silverlight prerequisites file. This is a separate .zip file you must download, extract and install.
Finally, there could also be restrictions on your local pc preventing you from installing Silverlight, or the prerequisites file provided by Pega.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Eddie...
Yes I have installed the Pega-provided PRPC Silverlight prerequisites file.
I'm on Windows 7 SP1 + IE9
I do have admin rights to install on the PC
I'll try Actions > Document Application > Application Document.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Eddie
Re-installed the Pega-provided PRPC Silverlight prerequisites file. (i.e. it said it installed successfully...)
Followed your steps:
Using the cloud instance of Pega 7, then select the HR Services app in the Header, then Open Overivew
Then, on the far right of the Application Overview landing page, select Actions > Document Application > Application Document.
I stepped through the Document Application wizard but I still get the Silverlight issue...
Any suggestions?

Pegasystems Inc.
Let's see what Microsoft has to say about your Silverlight install.
Go here: https://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/Get-Started/Install/Default.aspx
This page will check the status of your Silverlight installation.
I also want you to confirm your IE add-ons. From the goofy gear thingy, select Manage add-ons. There should be an add-on from Microsoft Corporation for Microsoft Silverlight; and it should be enabled. There should also be an add-on from Pegasystems, Inc. for Pega.PRPC.SLPreReqs.ImportCertificate; and it should be enabled.
In the meantime, I am going to go troll internally for reports of this not working.
Let me know what you find out.
p.s. I've got this working on my Mac, so you would think we could wrestle Windows and IE into submission ;)

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Eddie... I'll Give it a try to see how I get on.
BTW: see IM from Andrew on the subject... seems this is an intermittant issue:

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Eddie
Checking : https://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/Get-Started/Install/Default.aspx
I realise that Silverlight supports Windows 7 SP1 with IE9 however in 64 bit mode only...
Since I'm using IE9 32bit I'm assuming that's where the contention lies....

Pegasystems Inc.
Well...my read of that support matrix is that the * means support for 64-bit is included, along with the typical 32-bit support; although I could be wrong. But, yes, I do agree that the contention is with your system somehow. I will do a bit of digging because I am widly curious why this is so intermittent.
If you are up for it - and can edit the registry - see this page for "fixing" a Silverlight install: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2608523
Notice they tell you to run the installer again as administrator.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Eddie...
That seems to have done the trick... I used the 'Fix it' button to uninstall + reinstall the latest Silverlight version then ran the Pega-provided PRPC Silverlight prerequisites file. Restarted all my browsers and then went back into the exercise and was able to generate the document!!!!
Thanks for all your help!!

Pegasystems Inc.
I am positivley thrilled to read this good news.
I was determined to help you fix this. Now I got bragging rights against all my Windows-based colleagues. ;)

Pegasystems Inc.
LOL :)
Updated: 22 Dec 2015 22:37 EST

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