
Last activity: 13 Nov 2015 12:36 EST
Standard way to determine Logger Name for which you need to change logging level setting
Hi everyone,
Every time I need to debug some standard rule or integration component I am searching PDN and trying to guess for which logger I need to enable DEBUG level. Even if I know the name but I make a misprint (they are case-sensitive) I will never know about it. Logging level setting tool allows you to enter whatever logger name.
2 years ago I enabled debug mode for email correspondence after raising an SR Support sent me the Logger Name. I would like to enable Debug again, but now I do not remeber the Logger Name. Do you?
What is the standard way to determine the Logger Name?
Where may we find the list of "Popular loggers" with searchable descriptions?
Many thanks,
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DSD Incorporated
<category name=“Rule_Obj_Activity.Validate.Work_General”>
<priority value=“info”/>
</ category>
<appender name="PEGA" class="com.pega.pegarules.priv.util.FileAppenderPega">
<param name="FileNamePattern" value=“’PegaRULES-’yyyy-MMM-dd’.log’"/>
<layout class="org.pega.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="conversionPattern" value="%d{yyyy-MM-dd}-%t-%-5p-%-10c:%m%n "/>
<category name=“Rule_Obj_Activity.Validate.Work_General”>
<priority value=“info”/>
</ category>
<appender name="PEGA" class="com.pega.pegarules.priv.util.FileAppenderPega">
<param name="FileNamePattern" value=“’PegaRULES-’yyyy-MMM-dd’.log’"/>
<layout class="org.pega.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="conversionPattern" value="%d{yyyy-MM-dd}-%t-%-5p-%-10c:%m%n "/>
Pegasystems Inc.
SMA can give you a list of all registered loggers in a drop down.
Select "Logging and Tracing" and then "Logging Level Settings".

BNY Mellon
Kinda helps to know the source code. :-)
Agreed - a Popular loggers list would be helpful here.

Dunnd, thank you for the reply. Could you, please, be a little more specific: how may I determine the logger for Service SOAP or sending emails, so that I could override the standard logging level for them?
alibj, thank you for the reply. There are many loggers, I would like to at least be able to search for a string their names contain.
JonnyGar, it is rather difficult to use these loggers as the UI is currently implemented.

BNY Mellon
A list of helpful loggers has been initiated on the Pega Mesh community:
Separately, I agree, that the UI of the giant dropdown list isn't very helpful.
For rules, I'd love to be able to be able to set the log level from that ruleform.

JonnyGar, thank you for the link. I obtained access to this new portal, it is nice there, though I think it is a huge problem to have 2 wiki-like websites with restricted access. Will have to sinchronize information between them all the time.
Back to the topic - I have found the logger enabling which puts request and response XML to the log file.
I had to manually try about 50 loggers which look like it.
It is not yet in that file you gave me a link to, we should add it there.
Now I would like to find an activity which gets called right after the service is called, so to incorporate my own logger which puts request-response XML for all SOAP services to DB-table. Tracer did not help me with the search as it traces the thread already after the inbound XML is parsed.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ivan,
Since your new question is about Activities please post it under the "Java and Activities" PDN Forum (https://pdn.pega.com/forums/prpc/java-activities) .
Pega Academy

Hi, Henry,

Philips Home Monitoring
You could go to designer studio and open the rule:
1.) click on the Java CUP to get a copy of the java source code
2.) Search for the LogHelper class and see what string it's constructor is using.
3.) now that you have the name you go into Pega Button/System Tools / Logs /Log Level settings
Set the logger name to the string in the constructor
And set the current level to DEBUG