REST integration in 6.1
Is there anyway to achieve REST integration in 6.1 SP2.
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Is there anyway to achieve REST integration in 6.1 SP2.
Hi DASN0001
Has your question/issue been resolved by now or do you still need help?
Pretty sure HTTP integration existed in 6.1.
I believe REST was there in 6.1 SP2 as well but nowhere near as advanced as it is now in 7.1 where JSON is natively supported both for REST Connectors and the Pega API REST Service.
HTTP and REST are basically equivalent protocol-wise - GET, POST, etc.
Are you needing to send/receive JSON or something else, for example: XML ?
In 6.1 sp2 I need to establish a REST service connection through Connect HTTP. I need to send request in JSON format and parse it from JSON to clipboard. I tried below code but not able to save, it is failing in compilation getting error like getJson() function is not defined in Clipboard page API. So my question is, to use below method which class/JAR I can import in Pega 6.1 SP2 . Is it anyway possible to use these below methods in pega 6.1 sp2.
Clipbaord to Json format:
PublicAPI tools = (PegaAPI) ThreadContainer.get().getPublicAPI();
ClipboardPage stepPage = tools.getStepPage();
String returnValue = stepPage.getJSON(false);
ResultJson = returnValue;
Json to clipboard
ClipboardPage responseData = tools.createPage("$ANY", "TestDataPage");
Hi Madhumita,
I see that you had left this same comment on another post from 2015. I have branched that comment into its own thread and you can follow that here.
Thank you,
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