Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 25 Feb 2017 9:56 EST
Quick Log Parsing
When reading the RuntimeLog.txt file for troubleshooting, it can sometimes look daunting. Below is a simple method that I recieved from one of our developers (Walter) that produces a much smaller log file very quickly. This uses a simple bat file that you create along with a text file containing the text you want to match on. It will include only the lines that match in the output.
- Create a file called _LogParser.bat and place it in the %AppData%\OpenSpan directory.
- The _ at the begining makes it alphabetically first in the folder as there might be other files (including the RuntimeLog.txt) in there as well.
- This will contain the following line; findstr /g:_LogParser.txt RuntimeLog.txt > RuntimeLog.Parsed.txt
- Create a new file called _LogParser.txt.
- This file will contain the lines you wish to include in the parsed log. The three most common are below. These will match all of the blue and yellow (data and execution paths) lines from the automations in addition to the first line of any exceptions.
- This will make it really easy to trace through your logs and step through the execution until you reach the point where you are looking for.
| Exception |
propagating From:
ExecutionLink From:
Now, whenever you want to look at this simplified log, just run the bat file and it will create a file called RuntimeLog.Parsed.txt. You may customize either of these files to your liking.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to mark post as discussion***