
BlueRose Technologies
Last activity: 21 Sep 2016 9:27 EDT
Query on LSA (7.1) Quiz - PRPC Reporting Strategy - Sub Reports
A report must have the following columns: Operator Last Name, Operator First Name, Count of Open Assignments. What report is best suited for this requirement? (Choose One)
1. List Report in the Worklist Assignment Class.
2. Summary Report in the Operator Class.
3. List Report in the Operator Class with a subreport. (Correct Answer)
4. Summary Report in the Worklist Assignment Class.
In the above question, in the option 3, the subreport is of Worklist Assignment Class where we get the list of Open Assignments. The main report compares for the operator ID and gets all the records of open assignments for that operator. We will use a count of these records in the main report. Please let me know if this will work out or correct me if I am wrong? Thanks in advance.