
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 19 Sep 2022 15:08 EDT
Protect Your Privacy Within the Pega Support Center
We are so thrilled here at the Pega Support Center to have such an overwhelming member base that is more than happy to help one another. As we grow though, we need to all be aware of how serious our own security is while we are here.
Did you know that the Pega Support Center’s posts are searchable by Google? They sure are and almost half of our monthly traffic comes from a Google Search.
While the PSC isn’t fully public (you do have to create an account on the Pega Community to be able to post and to view attachments), you should still take your privacy seriously while here. I’d like to take a few minutes and go over some privacy precautions with you.
IP Addresses
It is never a good idea to share a post, a reply, or a log file with your IP addresses in it. Please before you upload or share that to the PSC, X it out. Your IP addresses should look like this (XX.XX.XX.XX).
Do I really have to talk about how you should not be sharing your password in a post? Make sure to double and triple check anything you upload to the PSC.
Web Service URLs
Please do not share your web service URLs within your posts! That would allow another person to access your system or services.
When you are taking a screenshot, either use a test system and data or blur out the information.
While our Moderation Team is excellent at finding your proprietary information and updating/removing it from your post, that doesn’t stop that first initial notification from going out with your information in it. In fact, that’s how we find it to begin with.
Help us help you keep your information secure!
If you have any questions let us know in the comments!