Problem with saving activity
Hi there
Why do i have an error when try to specify value of one property from value of another property which apply to the same page list (both)?
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Hi there
Why do i have an error when try to specify value of one property from value of another property which apply to the same page list (both)?
What is the error you are getting?
It sounds like - "Invalid expression or reference: List/group property reference ListName is missing a valid subscript value and cannot reference an embedded property."
It seems like you are not giving proper index of page list. Are you doing it inside loop or jst using property-set by giving page index?
if possible share the screen shot of property-set you are trying, it will help to understand more.
I have solved the problem. In fact I didnt specify Step Page field (must populate .ListName) and missed repeating type.
But anyway thanks for helping.
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