
Independent Consultant
Last activity: 4 Jan 2019 7:24 EST
Problem when saving property as datetime on database
We this situation in here. We have a section with initial date and final date, and because it is a date control and the database class is datetime, we need to save as datetime. We force the dates to be like that:
myPage.initialDate = @concat(@whatComesBeforeFirst(param.initialDate,'T'),"T000000.000 GMT -3")
myPage.finalDate = @concat(@whatComesBeforeFirst(param.finalDate,'T'),"T235959.000 GMT -3")
On clipboard the values it is exactly how we need, but when we do obj-save, then on tracer we noticed that after the obj-save it is called a "merge" which have the sql it is called, and there the dates got a change for minus 2 hours, and when we look at the data base the dates are wrong with minus 2 hours. I want to save this enforced time regardless timezone, I want to be always the initial date at zero and final date at 23:59:59. Can somebody help with that?
Thanks in advance
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