
Infosys Technologies
Last activity: 13 Apr 2017 7:21 EDT
Parsing Excel File
I have a excel file attached to WO and I want to parse that attachment and place it to clipboard.
I am trying to use MSOParseExcel but it is not able to identify the path.
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Pegasystems Inc.
I've submitted to your query to subject matter expert(s) in the hope we can get you an answer soon. Someone will check back on this post in the next 24-48 hours to see if the SME has responded. Thank you for your patience.
Kind regards,
Bob Lloyd
PDN and Pega Academy Self-study Forums Support Team

Hi Bob\Ankit,
I have similar requirement, Please post the resolution if found? thanks!

Natwest Group
Hello Ankit,
Any resolution?
Java code to parse the excel is throwing the exception.

Infosys Technologies
Not yet.. actually requirement was changes.. not excel is not required.

Hi Karran,
Did you implemet ?

Natwest Group
Hello Sudheer,
I am facing issues with the java code used in the OOTB activity msoparseexcel...working on it.
Will update you if achieve it successfully.

Marsh Inc
Hello All,
Did anybody implement this functionality. It was working for us in Pega 6.2 Sp2 and now it is not working properly in Pega 7.1.7.
Let us know if anybody is able to implement it successfully in Pega 7.1.7

Natwest Group
Hello Ankit,
Path canbe traced on pxrequestor page on pyFileUpload property. Refresh the section as a onclick event on the button.

Virtusa Corp.
if the excel is attached to the case the data is available in pyAttachStream property which contains the data you might map to clipboard.

Services Australia
Here is a small article for parsing excel file

Pegasystems Inc.
I read the article. Keep getting this error:
- The uploaded file template could not be recognized. Please upload a valid file. Refer to template ImportTemplate for details.
I'm using the right file type and extension. What should the value be for directory when creating the binary file?
Any thoughts?
Here is what is listed in my template file:
Ingredient | Quantity | Unit | Supplier |
{.IngredientsImport().Ingredient input} | {.IngredientsImport().Quantity input} | {.IngredientsImport().Unit input} | {.IngredientsImport().Supplier input} |

Natwest Group
Hello Lewic,
Please validate if the template name given is correct and incase u r passing the sheet name in the excel as part of parameters, please validate that as well.

Pegasystems Inc.
Done and done. Everything looks correct based on the information in the blog website listed above. I'm not using xls so this error should not happen.

Services Australia
Hi Lewic,
Can you specify the parameters you are passing?
I have seen this error occurs, when the path + file name provided as input is not correct.

Pegasystems Inc.
For the Filename: "/pega/sample_ingredients.xlsx"
For the template: "pega!ExcelImportTemplate!xlsx"
Question: For the filename, the path should be the location on the web server correct?

Natwest Group

Services Australia
Here are the details of the parameters
Preethi Ageer

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you. This worked perfectly with the right FSFFileName. Now I've got to get this working with a regular attachment and I'm golden. Any suggestions?

Services Australia
Hi Lewic,
For attachments I havent worked on them, attachments are in base64 encoded format and this activity expects File Name and Location, may be you can think off couple of approaches
First, write a java step in activity to read the pyAttachStream and convert into clipboard pages.
Second, programatically download the attachment into any staging area on your server and then use that location as input to the FSFFileName.
Others, any thoughts or suggestions?

Services Australia
Hi Lewic,
You can try these steps
1. Get attachments from email and pass them into an Param
2. Parse the Param using parse delimited (or other parse) rules.

Pegasystems Inc.
I may be able to piece it together from this. Thanks. If I solve it, I'll let you know and post the details.

Did you find a way to get this working with attachments?

Hi Clarence , Did u find a solution for the path that needs to be passed to activity

TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
There is a requirement to insert data to database from an excel sheet( having multiple rows of data).the data also needs to be shown in an window before inserting it to database.can anyone help me.The excel sheet format is predefined. usr will only fiil up the required data set in excel sheet.click on attach and browse button to browse to the path where excel sheet is kept and then to show whole excel data in an window and then click on submit button to insert data into database.and while doing so it will check whether same data exist in the data base or not.suppose the excel contain 7 rows of data.while inserting it shows Duplicate=1,data Inserted=6

Hi Dhritiman,
Did you find any solution for this?

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd
File parsing was working correctly , i used similar approach used binary file and used MSOParseExcel activity , it was working with parameter pxRequestor.pyFileUpload .today it was not working and i try to change it to value of this property path also from clipboard still getting The uploaded file template could not be recognized. Please upload a valid file. Refer to template for details.
Im getting below error in log:
File parsing was working correctly , i used similar approach used binary file and used MSOParseExcel activity , it was working with parameter pxRequestor.pyFileUpload .today it was not working and i try to change it to value of this property path also from clipboard still getting The uploaded file template could not be recognized. Please upload a valid file. Refer to template for details.
Im getting below error in log:
Error in parsing Excel file file://web:/StaticContent/global/ServiceExport/null
java.io.FileNotFoundException: file://web:/StaticContent/global/ServiceExport/null

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd

SowmyaTharik, Provide more details on the approach you followed.