Tech Mahindra
Last activity: 28 Jul 2015 19:35 EDT
Not able to set Properties during Authentication - PRCustom Authentication
Hello there,
I am reading some information from cookies in a PRCustom Authentication like Transit ID and Role and setting them in "Operator" page. I am getting the following error in logs with failed authentication
Authentication failed because the constructed Data-Admin-Operator-ID instance failed to pass validation. The most likely cause for this is that your Data-Admin-AuthService record attempts to map directory attributes to PROPERTIES THAT DO NOT BELONG TO DATA-ADMIN-OPERATOR-ID class. Check your D-A-AuthService record for bad entries or typos.
This is only happening when i am setting the custom application properties, if i remove them it seems to work fine.
Are we not supposed to update any data to operator during authentication ?
We are using pega V7.1.7,