Not able to login using Virtual Box
I am not able to login as the cursor while writing password doesn't move . Please help me with this. Also find below the screenprint of the same.
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I am not able to login as the cursor while writing password doesn't move . Please help me with this. Also find below the screenprint of the same.
In order to login to the system you need not enter your credentials in the Oracle Virtual Box. Simply open IE or Chrome and point your browser to http://http:// Proprietary information hidden:9080/ and you should see a Pega Login screen from here you can enter the admin@sae/rules credentials.
Hope this helps,
Pega Academy Support Team
how do i login to virtualbox,please shre userid/password(not the pega login id password).Also please share how do i clear the temp directory using the commands.
Which course have you enrolled in? Have you followed the installation instructions in the course?
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