Last activity: 6 Apr 2017 7:49 EDT
MSOParseExcelFile - not able to read file from mapped folders
In our application, we get an excel file from external system in a mapped folder. PRPC has read/write access to this folder. We need to parse this excel file and load the data onto the workpage. We are using MSOParseExcelFile OOB activity for this.
However, we observed that the activity works if the file is in service export folder and not when in any other folder.
The java step in the activity logs an error when we use a folder other than service export path.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: file://default:/opt/ABC/shared/report/AA-2670_Report.xlsx
When we pass following file name to the activity -
But in the logs, Pega prints the filename by prepending it with "file://default:"
Has anybody come across this issue? Is there a different way to pass the file name when it exists on a mapped folder?
Your help in resolving the issue is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Categories; close post as duplicate***
Original post: MSOParseExcelFile not able to parse files from folders other than service export path