Merge code between branches
I am looking of any kind of help on branching and merging rulesets. Below is the scenario for the same.
1 : 2 Development teams(Dev1Team,Dev2Team) have branched the rules from base version .
2 : Dev2Team merged back the code to base version (1.0.0) after development and further after testing moved to production.
3 : Dev1Team had few issues and couldn't go for QA and there was a new base version has been released(2.0.0).
4 : 2 branches has been created from base version(2.0.0) for both the team.
5: Now Dev1Team want to merge the code from previous released branch to new branch .
Can we merge code b.w. branches? Is it right way to do it?
I am looking for experts help to answer my question.