
How To Wrap A Column's Data Which Is Of Length 256 Chars In The Report Definition OutPut
Hello All,
Hope every body is doing great.
I have a report definition with 250 columns in it.
Among them there are few columns with the column length as 256 characters and 512 characters.
So if the data is present in these columns, it is displaying in a straight line with out wrapping. Hence i am getting a really big horizontal scrool bar and very difficult to read it.
But when i export it to excel, the text in these columns are getting wrapped and is very easy to read also.
So, why when we run the report these columns are not getting wrapped and is there is a way to do this. I tried applying few OOTB controls and i was able to restrict it in a text box where i need to scrool the cursor to move the text with in the text box, but i did not find any wrapping function or control. But when i applied this kind of wrapping via text box, the data is missing when i export into excel.
So looking for an approach where i can show the end user with wrapping of text for these long columns and when they export it to excel, it behaves as is.
Please suggest.