How do I get rid of "...not in prompt list" errors?
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At this point, it might be best if you could provide me with the solution file through this exercise, please.
Dear Tom,
Please add a '0' to all the decimal values, e.g. if it's ".333", change to "0.333".
For some reason, PRPC seem to cast ".333" to a string and it cannot be compared with "0.333".
Teng Hao Chua
Pega Academy Support Team
Wow! I would never have figured that out. You saved me a bunch more work trying things out. Thanks much, Teng!
I am facing the same problem... I already did the last step which was to add zero before dot. Any other suggestion to solve this problem?
Delete the property. Then Create it again from scratch. Make sure to select "Decimal" as the Data Type. When creating the Prompt List anew make sure to add the zero (0) before the decimal values "0.333".
Pega Academy
I have just tried again, but now what I did was to create those properties as decimal and after as double but both did not work. The message a got was 'The value 667 for property TechnicalSkillRating is not defined in the prompt list', but when I show the property details it appears '0.667' in its prompt list.
Try changing the locale settings (Designer Studio > User Interface > Tools > Locale Settings) and update it :
Use Locale: English (United States)
Use Time Zone: Etc/GMT+12
And then try again and check if the errors are gone this time.
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