How to check a value in value list in when rule?
Use the function [email protected]("abcde",OperatorID.pyAccessGroupsAdditional)
Use the function [email protected]("abcde",OperatorID.pyAccessGroupsAdditional)
Could you try "PropertyListContains" function to check value in valuelist.
Syntax: @Default.PropertyListContains(strListReference,strScalarValue,insActivity)
Example: @PropertyListContains("pxThread.pxApplicationRuleSets", "PegaKPI", this)
Value list can be converted to a CSV with a function 'pxStringCSVFromValueList' and can be used.
To iterate over a value list in Data transform, we can Convert the valuelist to CSV with above function, and call pxIsinListofValues function to check whether a value is present in value list or not.
@pxIsInListOfValues(Param.Parameter,@pxStringCSVFromValueList(pyWorkPage.pxCoveredInsKeys)) is the overall syntax to 'IsinValueList' functionality to obtain from DT
Value list can be converted to a CSV with a function 'pxStringCSVFromValueList' and can be used.
To iterate over a value list in Data transform, we can Convert the valuelist to CSV with above function, and call pxIsinListofValues function to check whether a value is present in value list or not.
@pxIsInListOfValues(Param.Parameter,@pxStringCSVFromValueList(pyWorkPage.pxCoveredInsKeys)) is the overall syntax to 'IsinValueList' functionality to obtain from DT
instead of @pxIsInListOfValues , @contains can be used
the overall syntax is : @contains(@pxStringCSVFromValueList(.pxCoveredInsKeys),Param.lookforstring)
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