Differences in Rule Resolution step 6 in different chapters
in the student guide in module 2 - Rule Resolution, the ordering in step 6 is as follows:
First, the system sorts the candidates according to:
a. Class
b. Ruleset
c. Circumstance
d. Circumstance Date
e. Date/Time Range
f. Version
In the chapter for cuircumstances, it is as follows:
The ranking processes orders by:
1. Override
2. Class
3. Ruleset
4. Circumstance Value in alphabetical order. (Multivariate circumstances rank by the order in which
the properties are listed in the Template
5. Circumstance Date in descending order.
6. Time Qualified by end date, in ascending order.
7. Time Qualified by start date, in descending order.
8. Non-Qualified
9. Version
I basically wondering why Override is missing in Rule Resolution chapter is missing.
Is there a reason for that?