Wells Fargo
Last activity: 6 Jul 2015 23:40 EDT
Definite Response to External calling system
Hello All,
Step 1 : Request From External system
Step 2 : Accept the Request in Pega,Create a case.
Step 3 : Pega to Process the case(do bunch of service calls, execute logic, determine approval/cancel/reject), And provide the final confirmation to external system
If above step takes less than 60 seconds else execute below step
Step 4: Pega to Provide just the request acceptance confirmation
Summary : In short , if Pega accepts the request either it has to provide the request acceptance confirmation or final confirmation but should never time out with no response.
Protocol of Interaction : SOAP
Business Preference : To Process the case and provide final confirmation in less than 60 seconds. In other way SLA is 60 seconds.
STP : 80% of our cases are STP(Straight through Process)
Note : There are many chances that our case doesnt meet SLA of 60 seconds, but some times less.
How can we achieve this? Please help.