
Lloyds Banking Group
Last activity: 15 Dec 2016 0:18 EST
Coverting Attchments into XML
Can anyone advise me if the case attachment data can be converted to XML? There is a reqrueiment at my client side to descrypt BLOB of case specific tables and covert the BLOB data to XML and save to a different table in an external database. The cases have attachments like documents, ppt, excel. I reaslised that file atatchemnts in PEGA uses the Base64 encoding. Is there any way i can design an utility to decode the files from the BLOB of attachment tables are covert them into XML files?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Manash,
Your query has been passed to our support team and someone will contact you presently. Just out of interest have you considered using an external CMIS (Content Management Information System) to store your case attachments outside of the PegaRULES database? CMIS connectors are supported with PRPC.
Andrew Fontenelle
PDN Support

Lloyds Banking Group
Thanks for responding. I am using a very old version of PEGA (4.2) and I believe any new integration solution has not taken into consideration as we are currently working on the case data archival solution. This application is going to be decommissioned and the data is planned to be moved to the client's strategic archival data store which can only read XMLs. Coverting the case data is not an issue but the attachment data which incolves files will pose a problem and I am trying to chalk out a proposal on the feasibility of the approch.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for providing more information. Your query has been passed to our Support Team and someone will be in touch with you.
Andrew Fontenelle
PDN Support

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi -
For 4.2, your best bet is to use an activity to open the cases and file attachments onto the clipboard, and then you can do what you wish with them: for attachments you could take the property containing the base64 encoded attachment and write it out to the target system using JDBC/SOAP/file system as required by your use case.
In other words, I would recommend using Pega platform rules to open up the records you wish to convert/move, and then process them accordingly, since they natively undestand the blob column format.
- Tim

Hi All,
I have similiar requirement. I am decoding the attachment stream from Data-Work-Attach, using Base64decode. Then sending to documentum as byte array. (Using Java code, since they dont support any other integration.).This works fine with pdf and txt. But word and excel documents throws error while I open it from the destincation location.
Any idea why this happens?

Hi Anoop ,
Did you got resolution for the above issue.

Hi Manash
I am having a similar requirement, is there any solution handy?
Thanks !!