
Last activity: 9 Jun 2015 11:21 EDT
Attachments and Attachment Category
We have a requirement to upload docs (of any type) from user's local desktop and to save those to Work object.
1) A screen which will have sub sections of individual doc type. For example, marketing material, Requirement material etc
2) User can upload multiple docs under each sub section. Each entry in that sub section will have a "Browse" button, "Cross" mark to delete the attachment and "Add" button underneath to add another attachment.
1) Saved the OOTB flow action rule Work-.AttachAFile into our application rule set and included a section that will have individual sub sections based on doc type (Refer point 1 above)
2) Configure OOTB button for "Browse" and Refer control "FilePath" in the control cell and "pxAttachName" for file name in the Property cell.
3) Included this section within a repeating row page list with Code-Pega-List with each entry being of type "Link-Attachment"
4) When we run the flow and test this, a page is creatd for each attachment that we add. However the poperty "pxAttachName", Path from where the file is uploaded, Document type are not getting populated in any py- or px- properties in the clipboard. We need file name, file path, file type other than file uploaded operator iD, Name of the user.
Can anyone please throw some light on this as to how to achieve this? Also to save the attachments to that work object, we are calling OOTB rule Work-.saveAllAttachments from the post processing activity of Work-.AttachAFile flow action rule.
Thanks in advance!