
Last activity: 15 Sep 2015 8:24 EDT
AspectJ audit
I am going to develop AspectJ audit tool to work with PRPC.
The idea is to write Java aspect with point-cuts to for audit of certain Java-method calls. By means of com.pega.pegarules.pub.runtime.PublicAPI I can read PRPC step page content anytime, and extract required information from XML, but i need to intercept the proper java class method invocation (as configured in point-cut) to do it.
As far as I understand, PRPC is bundle-based system. Hence, I will occur the same problems as in OSGI applications: not all classes will be woven. Thus, I wont have the way to intercept all required metgod calls. How this problem is solved in Equinox you may read here: http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/weaving/ .
Could you give me an advice how to do correct load-time weaving in PRPC ? Do I need to develop my own weaving tool or any out-of-the-box solution exists already?