
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 24 Mar 2020 10:11 EDT
Ask the Expert - Pega UI-Tables with Sangeeta Kottilinga
Join Sangeeta (@kotts) in this Ask the Expert session (19-23 August) on Tables!
About Sangeeta: Sangeeta is a Principal Software Engineer in Pega User Interface. Sangeeta joined Pega in 2014 and she has worked on the Reporting UI, Tables and Optimized Tables feature development.
Message from Sangeeta: Hello, I would love to hear your queries related to old tables, optimized tables and I would be happy to help you get a better understanding of it.
Ask the Expert Rules
- Follow the Product Support Community's Community Rules of Engagement
- This is not a Live Chat - Sangeeta will reply to your questions over the course of the week
- Questions should be clearly and succinctly expressed
- Questions should be of interest to many others in the audience
- Have fun!
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Hi Sangeeta, just in case : do you know is it possible for OOTB radio buttons circles change their size. We need to have big circles for radio buttons. We are using Pega 7.2.1. Thank you.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Svetlana,
We do not have any OOTB configuration to increase the circle of radio buttons. User can achieve this by some custom styles

Do you have example of how to achieve this by some custom styles ?

Pegasystems Inc.
size of circle is proportional to the font size , we can increase the font size of radio button.

Size of circle does not change with size of font. please see attachment. Any other ideas?

Pegasystems Inc.
we can try with some custom control and having our own image for selected and unselected state.

Pegasystems Inc.
Optimize table FAQ's

Pegasystems Inc.
Template Grid Documentation

Pegasystems Inc.
GAPS between old grid and Template Grid /Release by release features:

Hi Sangeeta,
My question is why we have row re-ordering in Table "Grid Operations".
Ideally "Column Re-ordering" would be more helpful
Updated: 21 Aug 2019 7:08 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sasi,
We have column re-ordering feature also available for optimized table , Row reordering feature has its own benefits, user does not need to follow a certain sort order, user can have their own order , and they can have some processing while reordering.

Hi Sangeeta,
Thanks alot for prompt reply.
Can you please explain us what is optimized table, how to configure it.
And i see default paddding of 7px is added for all the text in tables. How to remove it.
Updated: 21 Aug 2019 7:07 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sasikala,
In the table property panel we have a check box to make the table optimized, I have attached the documentation related to that in previous comments.
7px padding comes from grid ui kit stylesheet , u can override them in your custom style sheet or user work form
below selector is giving the padding
div.gridDefault:not(.TreeGrid) #gridBody_right tr.cellCont td.gridCell, #gridBody_right tr.cellCont th:not(.hiddenCell)

Booz Allen Hamilton
Hi Sangeeta!
We have a requirement where user can hide and show certain columns in a repeating layout (grid/table). I know we can achieve this functionality using virtual report definition but we have many occasions where the source of the repeating result set is a system of record and data resides on the list type data page(not obtained through report definition). How can we achieve the same functionality when the grid source is data page? I know pega offers personalized table but it has some limitation for example if we select optimize code and personalized table we loose the capability of expanding a row to show additional details. This is a core feature of repeating layout that we have promised to business. How can we achieve the customization of grid when the source is data page with expandable rows?

Hi Harshp,
Thanks for coming up with this question. I too have similar requirement of re-ordering the columns without using the optimized table.
It would be great if you help us to understand this.

Pegasystems Inc.
we are not doing any enhancement to old table. If you find any feature gap in optimized table please raise a feedback item so that it can be prioritised.

Pegasystems Inc.
please raise a feedback item for expandable rows so that it can be prioritised. we cant achieve it for data page sources old table , we can achieve with virtual rd sourced grid

Centene Corporation
Hello Sangeetha,
Can we design a control/feature that auto masks the entire data/partial data on any table column ?

Pegasystems Inc.
we dont have any OOTB control, to do so . You can try creating some custom control

Hi Sangeeta,
Is it possible to create a table Structure and if so how for properties on a single page vs pagelist which can have repeat grid. All the UI elements below are properties that are present on a single page.
Is there a nice way to show the properties like in a Excel Display for properties on a SINGLE Page and not present in a pagelist/Datapage/reportDefinition etc?
Which structure can I use? All the UI elements and examples given by PEGA OOTB use List based grids.

Pegasystems Inc.
We can achieve this kind of look and feel , with using inline grid triple/double formats for dynamic layout , this will give tabular look and feel, u can create your own custom format also based on the no of columns.

Would you be able to provide us an example with screen shots? Attached is my clipboard page which has a lot of data that has to be accommodated in multiple columns.
I need to show more than four columns. I tried inline quadruple grids as it is OOTB, but Data is coming into the next line depending on screen resolution. Any help would be appreciated.

Pegasystems Inc.
I don't have any sample for it u need to have your own custom format for the outer DL which will be wrapper of all inner DL's, and wrapper DL should take care of scrolling and screen size.

Can you please show HOW to set the scrolling and screen size on the Wrapper DL?
There are no options available in a Dynamic Layout to prevent scrolling and/or Text wrap around at the DL level.

Pegasystems Inc.
we need to some custom css applied to fix the width of the wrapper DL and have overflow auto to have the scrolling

Hi Sangeetha,
We have a requirement to have a search text box ,where to do contains search ( like a universal filter ) in the grid across all the pages.
If the search contains matches the row, only that row should be displayed. Is it possible to implement ootb.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sasi,
currently we don't have any OOTB search feature, we have a user story planned for future release.

Hi Sangeetha,
When we try to select options for check box , Radio buttons and Autocomplete we are facing Latency issue In IE11.
In chrome there is no latency issue.
Do you have any idea on this?

Pegasystems Inc.
is it specific any PRPC version or across all versions

Ya Sangeetha, we are on 7.4.
Actually there are around 50 fields ( text input, Text area, Check box, Radio button, Check boxes in grid and most of them have onchange refresh action) in the form and facing latency issue after filling few fields.
But in Chrome no latency issue at all , able to fill all the fields in the form with out any issue.

Pegasystems Inc.
we had provided some fix around it, did u tried in the 7.4 HFIX system.
Updated: 22 Aug 2019 15:49 EDT

State of New Jersey
Hi Sangeetha,
We have an issue in table layout. When you have a table with master detail ...when you expand on the UI it clears out all the grid info. This happens only in IE, Works fine in chrome
If we close the row. It shows the grid info. This has started happening only after the new release in 8.2.2.
Below is the configuration
Hi Sangeetha,
We have an issue in table layout. When you have a table with master detail ...when you expand on the UI it clears out all the grid info. This happens only in IE, Works fine in chrome
If we close the row. It shows the grid info. This has started happening only after the new release in 8.2.2.
Below is the configuration

Pegasystems Inc.
This should not be happening , as we have not made any implementation change around it. I need an instance detail to check the issue.

CVS Caremark
in the repeat grid or table, is there a way we can restore the view state like sorting, filtering done by the user when the section where the table exist is refreshed. I think this has been missing from long time in Pega.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Kishore,
We have provided the table personalization feature from 8.X onwards , we can save the sorting / filtering and columns state. it will be retain after log out and log in as well.