
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 19 Sep 2016 9:25 EDT
Ask the Expert - Pega Customer Service with Goutham Parcha

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how to use decision table in data transform

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Savita,
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Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
This is not a Customer Service specific question, so the general forum may be a better place to post the question.
Having said that, there are a couple of functions that can be used to evaluate decision tables and get the the values. Functions EvaluateDecisionTable and ObtainDecisionTableValues can be invoked directly in the DT.

This is a question about CPM -> Interaction Task.
When you create a new or update an interaction task, you have to provide a starting activity.
Ex : Task : CloseAccount , Starting Activity: CACloseAccount.
Most of these starting activities only do one thing, call "CAStartFulfillmentTask" with WorkType and Parent Page.
Just to have different WorkType parameters, we end up creating mutliple activities.
Why not open the Interaction Task form to enter parameters for the starting activity so that rather than creating these dummy starting activities, we can call "CAStartFulfillmentTask" directly and pass the parameters. If someone have some specific extra steps required, they can write their own starting activity.
I am not sure if this has changed lately in new versions but verified in 7.1.8 and see some out of box tasks remain the same way. (See attachment)

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Praveen, this process has in fact changed in version 7.1.3 of CPM. When you mention 7.1.8, you are looking at the version of PRPC, not CPM. In CPM 7.1.3, we introduced a brand new portal that is autogenerated and using platform APIs to launch the tasks. So, the new Intent Task rules only need to specify the class and name of the flow that you would like to execute for a given task. Under the hood, we call the CreateWork API directly with the class and flow name.

Thanks Amit, Yes, I was looking at PRPC version. Checked my CPM version and it says CPM 7.12 (I assume that's 7.1.2).
I will check the new portal when we can upgrade to CPM 7.1.3. Thanks for the detailed reply.

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, as Amit mentioned we have made it much easier in our brand new Interaction Portal which got introduced in CPM 7.1.3. You just need specify the class and the flow name.
Starting activity option is available just to support CSRPortal(the portal you must be referring to).

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Gautham,
This question is by Pardha:
In earlier versions of CPM, we have intent tasks configured with 'Runs on Interaction' . Do we have a work around for these kind of intent tasks in Interaction portals?
For ex: We have an intent task to reassign current interaction to a different user. Although we were able to configure an intent task (by creating a temporary service item) , we were unable to successfully close the interaction tab from within service item.
Pega Customer Service: Work around for intents with Runs on Interaction option in CSHC 7.1.3
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
Pardha, We have moved all the Interaction data to a requester level data page(D_Interaction). Every service case has access to it so this feature(runnning on Interacrion) isnt applicable in Interaction Portal. It was put there for backward compatability reasons for CSRPortal.

Unitedhealth Group
Hi Goutham,
We understand the availability of Interaction data to the service case. We are specifically looking for information on how to execute a flow on interaction object from within Interaction Driver in Interaction portal (we don't necessarily need to create a service item in this case).
As 'Runs on Interaction' is not supported in Interaction portas, we are looking for alternate option / work around. Any information in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Pegasystems Inc.
Currently, we dont have the feature OOTB. Our Wrapup is a sub-flow that runs of Interaction so you could mimic your other flows similar to that.
One other suggestion is that you can create temporary service cases and move your infrastructure to either Work- or Service case class group.

The Hanover Insurance Group
we have a custom backoffice pega application ( ie no pega frameworks) . now, we apln to create a pega customer service application as our front office app that integrates with ivr and also our backoffice pega appl . we have few users that will do both front office csr aswell as back office associate roles and need to switch portals . we are debating whether to install the cust service framework app on the same db as our backoffice pega app and leverage the common tables or install on its own db and use remote calls . the later could become a complex implementation . can we install on the same db as backoffice pega app and configure tenants .. any suggestions and advise.

Zuruch Insurance
I am building a solution which looks at two HTML tables. Within each HTML table there are buttons which expand a specific claim & open attachments.
The table always differs in size; however has the same row structure.
I need to know how to define the table section as the size of the table (number of rows) always differs. Once I have done this, I need to iterate through each and every claim until I have reached the bottom of the table and processed every bit of info within it.
I can't seem to find any help online or in training packs with regards to my specific question. Any help would be appreciated!

Pegasystems Inc.
If you expect the same users to be accessing multiple Pega applications it is recommended to install them on the same server/DB. Typically applications like Customer Service have rules based on the Portal name. So, when you switch your portal make sure you to validate if the right portal name is set.
Updated: 13 Sep 2016 0:58 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.

Hi Goutam, Thanks for reply regarding Notes utility feature in CS FW question.
But there are many situations where Caller give additional info where CSP may not have relevent filed to capture, rather they type that in notes to pass it to backOffice. Or there could be situation where, call center may asked to capture some additional info for calls, but corresponding code changes is still in-progress, during this time, csp need a way to capture this details, in such cases they like to use Notes utility.
We cannot embed in screen's because we dont know in which screen Caller gives that additional info or CSP may need to capture this. So we cannot add Notes fileds in all screens of interaction/Sr's rather it should be a utility to Launch from any work and capture notes with correponding work context.
Regarding using Pulse, yes it is one option but not the best one... For each notes capture in pulse we need 3 clicks, so if CSp capture notes 3-4 times in entire call period, so many clicks involved. They need seemless notes capture with as many less clicks as possible. Also drawback of using pulse are, it is not available in Driver screen (important screen), if i update this screen to provide link to Pulse, when composite screen is big.. when they scrool down.. they dont able to capture pulse.. they need to scrool up to access that link.

Pegasystems Inc.
We had Notes feature older versions of the product and took it out later. As you've mentioned in the scenarios where in you want to transfer service case work objects to the back office, it is all the more important not to have notes. Notes are subjective and might not be clearly deciphhered by a different CSR in a different location. Ideally you would like to design your service cases so that all relevant information can be captured in them. Maybe, have some text area fields.
For this usecase wherein you want to transfer this service case to a back office person, then I dont think its right to capture notes at Interaction level. You need to attach it at the service case level. You can add a small section to capture this info or embed Pulse directly.
Regarding Pulse, you can embed pulse at any location and doesnt require multiple clicks.

COPY SR work data BACK to Interaction Work
There are business requirements where some of the data captured in SR needs to be reflected back in interaction work (say address update done as part demograpic update SR, needs to be reflect in Interaction pyWorkparty(Contact) page ) after SR is submited and control comes back to Interaction driver screen.
We know, to copy interaction data to SR we can leverage D_interaction page, what about copying SR data back to it's Interaction work ? we tried Copying data back to D_Interaction page, but that never persist.

Pegasystems Inc.
On close of identified service cases, update D_Interaction page(requestor level data page) via pre-close activities. On Interaction Wrapup, synch up your data from D_Interaction to pyWOrkPage of the Interaction.

How I need to configure WebLDAP Authentication Service to remove the error "FATAL ... - Usage error - popping Executable that is not current"?
And which step I need to fix, or change, that Operator's ID's save correctly (in UPPERCASE) to .pyUserIdentifier when users enter their credentials?
Thank you very much!

Pegasystems Inc.
This is not a Customer Service specific question, so the general forum may be a better place to post the question.


Pegasystems Inc.
Internally we use Selenium for our automation. Even some of the more complicated usecases like Call Transfer(Warm) are automated on a multi node system. We are also planning to leverage Appium for our Mobile test cases. Some other teams within our org do use other tools like Terelik as well.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you to everyone for a great Ask the Expert session with Goutham Parcha on Pega Customer Service!
We hope to continue to see everyone around the Product Support Community!